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2. The o______ of the shop is a young man.




A) 根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词

1.What’s the m______ with you?






  (  ) 6.A.I have a headache.  B. I have nothing to do.  C. That’OK.

(  ) 7.A.I think so.     B. No problem.       C. Not at all.

(  ) 8.A.I’m not sure.    B. Good idea!       C. Thanks a lot.

(  ) 9.A.Let me see.     B. That’s interesting.  C. He is great.

(  )10.A.Me,too.       B. What’s wrong?     C. Don’t be shy.

Ⅲ. 听下面五组对话,选择正确选答案。

  (  ) 11. What will Fred help to fix up?

      A.Bike.     B.Radio.      C.Computer.

  (  ) 12.Where does the girl’s friend come from?

      A.Japan.   B.England.  C.America.

(  ) 13.How could the speakers make money?

    A.By repairing bikes.     B.By selling old bikes. 

      C.By going bike riding.

  (  ) 14.What does Mrs. Wang keep?

     A.Beautiful cats.   B.Homeless dogs.  C.Helpful pigs.

  (  ) 15.When will Jimmy go to Beijing?

      A.On Friday.     B.On Saturday.   C.On Sunday.


  (  ) 16.A.His friend.    B.His classmate.  C.His English teacher.

  (  ) 17.A.He has a fever.  B.He hurt himself.    C.He has a cold.

(  ) 18.A.To visit them.  B.To clean up the house.  C.To give out food.

(  ) 19.A.Making the bed.  B.Folding the clothes.  C.Doing homework.

(  ) 20.A.Chinese.      B. English.       C. Math.

V .  听下面一段对话和问题,选择正确答案。

  (  ) 21.A.He has a headache.   B.He hurt himself.  C.He has a stomachache.

  (  ) 22.A.Swam.   B.Climbed the mountain.    C.Played soccer.

(  ) 23.A.Once a day.     B.Twice a day.    C.Three times a day.

(  ) 24.A.Two days.      B.Three days.    C.A week.

(  ) 25.A.A teacher.      B.A doctor.     C.A worker.

VI.  听短文和对话,选择正确答案。

  (  ) 26.A.Two weeks.      B.Three weeks.     C.About a month.

  (  ) 27.A.In a primary school.B.In a children’s home.  C.In a hospital.

(  ) 28.A.To sing songs.    B.English.        C.To enjoy music.

(  ) 29.A.Playing games.    B.Listening to music.   C.Reading books.

  (  ) 30.A.Exciting.      B.Interesting.      C.Great.



你有一只宠物小猫,它非常讨人喜欢。请根据下面的信息,把它介绍给你的好朋友。要求:1.不要遗漏要点。 2.60词左右。


What it is like
black and white
two big eyes
smart and interesting
Favourite food
fish and rice
play with a ball








A. we also have to be quiet
B. don’t be late for class
C. you can’t fight
D. there are a lots of rules.
E. we always have to wear the school uniforms.








Jenny: Hi, my name is Jenny. It’s my first day at school

 Amy: Hi, Jenny. I’m Amy. This is a great school, but    76     

 Jenny: Really? What are some of the rules?

 Amy: Well,     77      . This is very important.

 Jenny: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school?

 Amy: No ,we can’t .And       78      

Jenny: I see.

 Amy: Oh,and     79      in the library.

 Jenny: What else?

 Amy: En,     80     with your classmates. That really makes the teachers unhappy.

 Jenny :Oh, I know.



My friend Peter is a soccer player. He   46    thirteen years old. He usually

  47   up at six thirty. He has breakfast at seven o’clock. He   48    home at 7:30. School   49    at around eight.  At 12:00 he has a big lunch at home. After lunch he reads   50    interesting stories. Then he  51   on his jackets and goes to school again. Peter and his friends play soccer at four thirty. They play  52   an hour. After dinner, he  53   the guitar. Then he watches TV. He starts his homework at seven thirty. He can   54  his homework before nine. His family only has a shower,   55  they make a shower schedule(时间表). He usually takes shower at nine thirty every day. Then he goes to bed at ten.   

46.(  ) A. does     B. do      C. is     D. are

47.(  ) A. goes     B. does     C. sleeps    D. gets

48.(  ) A. leaves     B. stays    C. goes    D. lives

49.(  ) A. plays     B. classes     C. starts    D. puts

50.(  ) A. a       B. some     C. an     D. a little

51.(  ) A. is       B. puts     C. likes    D. buys

52.(  ) A. in       B. to      C. at      D. for

53.(  ) A. plays      B. loves     C. makes    D. takes

(  ) 54. A. do      B. draw     C. stop     D. finish

(  ) 55. A. because    B. and      C. so     D. but



   Don’t ________ in the _________.



  In the evening, I ________ watch TV ________ listen to music.



   You will be ________ _______ if you forget to close the door.

