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23. A. invented  B. selected         C. offered        D. started


22. A. habit    B. interest      C. opinion        D. voice


21. A. raising     B. teaching        C. nursing        D. missing


20. [答案]D



A couple of weeks passed and in walked this guy and his wife again.


[分析]本句中有一个全部倒装句in walked this guy and his wife again.句首的in是副词,后面的主语是名词this guy and his wife,所以需要使用全部倒装句。如果副词放在句首,主语是代词的时候,则不需要全部倒装。如Here comes the bus.



    Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age five with her family. While   21   her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(an)   22   in medicine. At 18 she married and    23   a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a   24   . Her husband supported her decision.

     25   , Canadian medical schools did not   26   women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study   27   at the Women’s Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to   28   her medical degree.

    Upon graduation, Charlotte   29   to Montreal and set up a private   30  . Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a   31   doctor. Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte   32   herself operating on damaged limbs and setting   33   bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.

But Charlotte had been practicing without a license. She had   34   a doctor’s license in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was   35  . The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an all-male board, wanted her to   36   her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to   37   her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appeared to the Manitoba Legislature to   38   a license to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte   39   to practice without a license until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.

In 1993, 77 years after her   40  , a medical license was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”


19. [答案]B



18. [答案]A

[试题解析]考察名词词义辨析及上下文串联。A警告;B评论;C建议;D请求;说了这些警告的话,主人又重新把鹦鹉放进了笼子。根据前句“Don’t ever, ever say anything to   17   my customers again. You got that!!!”这是主人对它的警告。


17. [答案]D



16. [答案]C

[试题解析]考察动词短语辨析。Sent out发出;发送;hand out分发;pull out拔出;dig out挖出;句义:主人为了惩罚这只鹦鹉,拔了鹦鹉几根羽毛。


15. [答案]B

[试题解析]考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A拥抱;B抓住;C训练;D挽救;根据下一句took it into the “black room把鹦鹉放进黑房子里,说明他很生气,抓住鹦鹉并放进了黑房子里进行惩罚。


14. [答案]C


