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97. We feel it is our d _____ (责任)to help each other.


第四部分 写

X. 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


96. The Internet is becoming a u _____ (有用的)tool for students.



North American back bears are shy animals. They are fearful by nature, and will usually run away if they see or hear people. Because of this, it can be difficult for scientists to learn about these animals.

In order to study black bears, researchers from New Jersey, USA, catch bears and use drugs to help them go to sleep. Researchers then work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for diseases, remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age. From these studies, researchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jersey, how long they live, and how many babies they produce.

But in Minnesota, USA, researchers study bears that are completely awake. The bears know the researchers' voices and they are not afraid of die research team. With the help of a few grapes to keep the bears busy, researchers can touch them to check their hearts, look at their teeth, and do other jobs. Researchers can also walk or sit with bears for hours and make videos to learn about their everyday lives.

In both places, the main purpose is the same—to make sure there is a healthy population of black bears. But the research methods and the kinds of information that researchers, are able to collect arc quite different.

91. In the first paragraph, we can learn that North American black bears are _______.

A. shy and fearful animals     B. not found today

C. well known to scientists    D. not afraid of people

92. The word "remove" in the second paragraph probably means _____ in Chinese.

A. 拔下  B.移植   C. 清洗   D. 修补

93. Which of the following may NOT be included in the New Jersey studies on bears?

A. The age.     B. The way of their communication.

C. The weight.    D. The number of babies they produce.

94. In the Minnesota studies, researchers _____.

A. can never get close to the bears

B. study the bears while they are asleep

C. use grapes to make the bears full

D. learn a lot about the bears' everyday lives

95. What do the two studies have in common?

A. Research places.   B. The main purpose.

C. Research methods.   D. Collected information.



J&M Music Store
• Rock, pop and country music
• Buy CDs new or used
• Listen before you buy
• Guitar lessons offered
Peth Market
• Fresh fruit and vegetables
• Open Friday to Sunday mornings
• Free ice cream for children under 12
Times Coffee Shop
• The best coffee in town
• Sandwiches, cakes, pies •Open 10:00a.m. —11:00 p.m. daily
•Jazz music(0: Wednesday to Sunday
Macon's B&B
• Feel like home when you're away from
• We have different kinds of rooms
• Delicious homemade breakfast


86. You can________ at J&M Music Store.

A. receive guitar lessons   B. borrow new or used CDs

C. learn pop music history  D. buy all kinds of music books

87. You can go to TImes Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at_______.

A. 8:30 a.m.   B. 9:30 a.m.   C. 10:30 p.m.   D. 11:30 p.m.

88. If your friend is coming for a visit, where will he stay for a night?

A. In J&M Music Store.      B. In Peth Market.

C. At Times Coffee Shop.      D. At Macon's B&B.

89. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There is no breakfast at Macon's B&

B. You can't listen to the CD before you buy it.

C. Times Coffee Shop offers ism music every day. 

    D. Kids under 12 can get free ice cream in Peth Market

90. Where is the passage probably from?

A. A dictionary.   B. A newspaper.   C. A story book.   D. A science report.



"Make-A-Wish” is one of the world's most well-known charities(慈善机构) . It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.

It all started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a 7-year-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机)and made a real police uniform(制服) for him.

There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:

I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park.

I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors, singers or players.

I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers.

I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things.

Let’s hope more wishes Mill come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25 ,000 Volunteers (志愿者) help, work or give money. Will you be one of them? 81. "Make-A-Wish" is a charity to help _______.

A. sick children  B. serious officers  C. famous actors D. popular singers

82. What did the two police officers do for Christopher? A. They gave him a computer.  B. They gave him a tour of the city.

C. They look him to a concert.  D. They took him to the hospital.

83. Which kind of wishes does Christopher have? A. I wish to go. B. I wish to meet. C. I wish to be. D. I wish to have.

84. The purpose of the last paragraph is to _______.

A. explain what " Make-A-Wish" is

B. encourage more people to join the charity C. tell us how Christopher's wish came true

D. introduce different kinds of children's wishes

85. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Sick children just wish to get well.

B. Christopher and Tommy are two officers.

C. A few people are working for "Make-A-Wish".  

 D. "Make-A-Wish" has a history of over 30 years.



Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life. Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.

In the early 1970s, Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia. On the trip, they visited places like Iran( 伊朗) . India, and so on.

When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries' weather, customs( 风俗) , and places to see. But unlike other travel books then, Tony Wheeler's book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular.

Tony and Maureen started a company called lonely Planet. They continued travelling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today, 800 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheeler, the great traveller, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.

76. Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in _______.

A. England    B. Iran   C. India   D. Australia

77. Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheap to _______.

A. make money for his next trip

B. tell people about his new company

C. draw people's attention to his family

D. answer people's questions about his trip

78. How was the book Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel books then?

A. It was longer and more popular.

B. It was the first travel book in the world.

C. It talked about places most tourists did not go.

D. It talked about a country's weather and customs.

79. Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheeler's company?

A. His father started it.         B. It is an airline company.

C. Hundreds of people work for it.    D. It has no books about travelling.

80. The passage mainly talks about _______.

A. a great traveller and his books    B. a tour of different countries

 C. a great writer and his family    D. different kinds of companies




Brian: Hi, Cindy. 71

Cindy; Hi, Brian.  It is nice to sec you and so many old classmates. Brian: So it is. 72 Cindy: You're right. It's really a long time. Brian: Did you see the old photos on the wall?

Cindy: I sure did.  _73_

Brian: But those are some great memories. Cindy: Hey! 74

Brian. Yes, it is. I remember he used to stay up all night studying. Cindy: 75

Brian: Yes. He was the only one left in the class when he woke up. Cindy: That was really funny.

A. What happened?
B. Long time no see!
C. Who took these photos?
D. Isn't dial John over there?
E. We looked so funny in them.
F. I can't believe it's been ten years.
G. And then he would fall asleep in


71. _________72. _________73. _________74. _________75._________


50. —We failed in the singing competition.

—_______. Better times are waiting for you.

A. No way   B. Best wishes   C. Cheer up   D. Good job

