0  115403  115411  115417  115421  115427  115429  115433  115439  115441  115447  115453  115457  115459  115463  115469  115471  115477  115481  115483  115487  115489  115493  115495  115497  115498  115499  115501  115502  115503  115505  115507  115511  115513  115517  115519  115523  115529  115531  115537  115541  115543  115547  115553  115559  115561  115567  115571  115573  115579  115583  115589  115597  447090 

49. A. buried      B. shown       C. nodded      D. shaken


48. A. once and for all   B. up and down    C. here and there    D. over and again


47. A. back       B. out        C. away       D. forward


46. A. alone      B. worriedly     C. sadly       D. excitedly


45. A. ended      B. began      C. forgot       D. agreed


44. A. win       B. protect      C. stop        D. help


43. A. bring       B. throw      C. fetch       D. beat


42. A. kids       B. teachers     C. coaches      D. girls




Never Too Late to Change Your Life

It isn't too late for you to improve something, your life that you really want to change. No matter what age you are at. _36   Start there. Four steps will make it easier for you to get started  _37  Maybe you already know it. It could be your social life, your health or money situation.

   Take time to focus on this because if you really want something then it becomes a lot easier to keep going.

   Choose one thing or habit to focus on for now. If you have found several things or habits you would like to focus on, then choose to focus on just one at a time.  38 You'll probably not have the time and energy to change three things at once even though you really hope and think you can.

   Take small steps. This is very important.  The feeling that something is too big or difficult is one of the most common things to hold people back from taking action._ 39 The plan sounds so good in your head. But when you carry it out then you can't really take much action or move as fast as you thought.

    40 Don' t get stuck in planning. Or think that you will get started tomorrow or next week. Get the ball rolling instead. Do that today by just taking one small and practical step towards what you want.

A. Why am I telling you this?

B. Make a small change if possible.

C. Think about what you really want to change.

D. You can do what you can with what you have right now.

E. On the other hand, people also tend to' think highly of their own power.

F. Ask yourself: what is one small step I can take right now to get the ball rolling?

G. Spreading yourself too much always leads to failure because life tends to get in the way.

