0  115411  115419  115425  115429  115435  115437  115441  115447  115449  115455  115461  115465  115467  115471  115477  115479  115485  115489  115491  115495  115497  115501  115503  115505  115506  115507  115509  115510  115511  115513  115515  115519  115521  115525  115527  115531  115537  115539  115545  115549  115551  115555  115561  115567  115569  115575  115579  115581  115587  115591  115597  115605  447090 

34. The old man was so_______ the good news that he couldn’t say a word.

A. interested in   B. excited about   C. afraid of        D. worried about


33. _______ may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.

A. None          B. Nobody        C. Somebody         D. Everybody


32. The terrorists(恐怖分子)in Xinjiang ______ last month.

   A. are caught        B. was caught   C. were caught     D. is caught  


31. Her mother didn’t tell her _______ then.

A. where is the MH370 flight      B. where the MH370 flight is

C. where was the MH370 flight     D. where the MH370 flight was


30. In this test, we’re asked to write a passage of about ______.

A. 80-words     B. 80-word        C. 80 words          D. 80 words’


29. —Don’t smoke here, please. 

— ______.

A. I don’t          B. Sorry, I won’t   C. No way.        D. I will


28. — I’m not going swimming this afternoon.

— ______. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.

A. So am I.        B. So I am.      C. Neither am I.       D. Neither I am.


27. — Come and join us, Betty!

— I’m afraid I can’t. I’m too busy now. If I ______ time, I would certainly go.

A. have           B. have had      C. will have         D. had


26. Mike is ______, but his brother Sam is much ______.

      A. heavy; heavier    B. heavy; heaviest  C. heavier; heaviest  D. heavier; the heaviest

