0  116127  116135  116141  116145  116151  116153  116157  116163  116165  116171  116177  116181  116183  116187  116193  116195  116201  116205  116207  116211  116213  116217  116219  116221  116222  116223  116225  116226  116227  116229  116231  116235  116237  116241  116243  116247  116253  116255  116261  116265  116267  116271  116277  116283  116285  116291  116295  116297  116303  116307  116313  116321  447090 

7. Now more and more people like drinking tea. Tea culture is becoming

    all over the world.

               A. easy     B. popular      C. exciting   D. difficult


6. — Do you have a dictionary? I want to    some new words in it.

     — Yes. Here you are.

    A. look out    B. look after    C. look up   D. look over


5. The food in that restaurant looks delicious, but it    bad.

    A. makes     B. tastes        C. feels    D. sounds


4. I    computer games on weekends, but now I like playing chess.

              A. use to     B. used to       C. use to play   D. used to play


3. There    some milk in the glass.

               A. has         B. have          C. is       D. are


2. — How much is the camera?

     — Two    yuan.

               A. thousand       B. thousands    C. thousand of D. thousands of


一. 单项选择

1. My uncle is learning    new language on    Internet.

               A. a; an      B. a; the       C. the; an       D. the; /


八. 书面表达



1. 意思连贯、语句通顺、时态正确。

2. 60词左右。

April 9th



七. 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式补全短文。

feed,  early,  interest,  trip,
how,  take,  be,  lucky,  fish,  pick


My uncle has a big farm in Michigan. I went on a (56)________ with my family there last weekend. It was Saturday morning. We got up (57)________ and left home at 6:00 am. We went there by car. It (58)________ us three hours to get there.

When we got there on Saturday morning, my uncle and aunt (59)________ busy on the farm. I helped them (60)________ the chickens and horses. In the afternoon, my aunt taught me (61)________ to milk a cow. It was really (62)________ to do that. On Sunday morning, my cousins and I went (63)_______. It was exciting. My uncle has many apple trees. All of us went to (64)_______ apples on Sunday afternoon. But it got very cloudy and we worried it would rain. (65)________, it didn’t, and the sun came out again.


六. 情景交际


A. How was the weather there?
B. Did you ride a horse?
C. Where did you go?
D. How was your trip?
E. Did your sister go to the farm?
F. What did you do?
G. Would you like to go with me?


A: Hey, Mike. (51)________

B: It was great. I visited my uncle in the countryside.

A: Nice. (52)________

B: I helped my uncle pick strawberries and feed horses.

A: Sounds good. (53)________

B: Yes. It was great fun.

A: (54)________

B: It was sunny and warm. And the air was so clean. I want to go there again next week. (55)________     

A: Yes, I’d love to.

