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第一部分: 听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。

(   ) 5. Where are they talking now?

A. In a bookshop.         B. At school.         C. In a library.

(   ) 6. How often does Tom go swimming?

A. Every day.           B. Sometimes.           C. Twice a week.

(   ) 7. Which colour does Millie like best?

A. Orange.                 B. Green.          C. Yellow.

(   ) 8. How much will the woman pay for two pairs of socks?

A. Ten Yuan.             B. Five Yuan.         C. Two Yuan.

(   ) 9. What does the boy’s father do?

A. A doctor.             B. A cook.           C. A writer.

(   ) 10. Why was the boy late?

A. He got up late.        B. He missed the bus.  C. He lost his bike.


14. M: Wake up, Lucy! It’s a quarter past seven now.

W: Oh, I must get up now. I’m late.


13. M: Do you have a reading room in your school?

W: Yes. We often read books there after school.


12. M: Your school looks beautiful!

  W: Yes. Let me show you around, Dad.


11. M: Kitty enjoys listening to music. How about you, Millie?

  W: I don’t love music, I like reading best.


10. W: Is Simon good at swimming?

M: No, he isn’t. He is good at playing basketball.


9. W: Is your home near the school, Tom?

M: No, my home is far away from our school. So I usually take a bus to school.


8. W: Would you like a pear, Daniel?

  M: No, I would like some watermelon.


7. W: Look! The children are making pumpkin lanterns.

M: Yes, they have lots of fun at Halloween.

