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11.(   )There is going to ________ a class meeting tomorrow.

     A. is        B. has       C. be       D. have


10.(   ) It ___________me half  an  hour  to  walk  to  school.

      A. take    B. spend     C. takes     D. spends


9.(   ) Betty________at four in the afternoon the next day.

      A. got to    B. arrived in   C. reached    D. arrived


8.(   ) Washington D.C. is the capital of America, _________ it is smaller than New York.

      A. so      B. but     C. and      D. or


7.(   ) You can see ________ birds in the park

A. two thousands    B. thousands 

 C. two thousand of  D. thousands of


6.(   )The girl is ______ the sun .

A. lieing in     B. lying under    C. lying in  D. lieing under


5.(   ) He had breakfast and __________ his office in the morning.

      A. left   B. left for   C. went   D. went for 


4.(   ) There are many holidays in China. Which holiday is in May?

A. National Day    B. Spring Festival   

C. Labour Day    D. Teachers’ Day


3.(   ) He often goes to work ______ subway. 

A. by     B. on        C. in    D. takes the


2.(   ) Jacky Chan is one of ___________ in the world.

A. better stars  B. best star   C. the best stars  D. the best star

