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82.  自从去年起她就戴着眼镜。

She __________________________________________________ since last year.


81.  汤姆回到家全身湿透了。

Tom _______________________________________________ when he got home.



   So far he _________________________________________________________.





It’s __________________________________________________________ him.



Just as the teacher was coming into the classroom, one of the boys, Gerald, said loudly, “The teacher is a real fool.”

To their surprise, the students found that the teacher pretended not to have heard this. He didn’t look at anyone and said nothing. He just went up to the teacher’s desk and began the class. He said, “Today we are going to study punctuation. Punctuation in a sentence is very important. Look at this sentence, please, boys and girls.”

He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the following sentence on the blackboard:

Gerald says the teacher is a real fool.

The class laughed at once.

“Now,” the teacher went on, “with two commas I can change the meaning of the sentence completely.” Then he put in two commas in the sentence and so the sentence read:

“Gerald, says the teacher, is a real fool.”

51.(  )Gerald said the sentence loudly _______.

A.outside the classroom

B.after the teacher came into the classroom

C.just before the teacher came into the classroom

D.in front of the teacher

52.(  )The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “pretended” is “_______”.

A.谎称      B.自称      C.宣布      D.假装

53.(  )The English for“逗号”is _______.

A.punctuation    B.comma     C.chalk      D.sentence

54.(   )Which of the following is TRUE?

         A.The teacher was a real fool.   

B.The students were angry with Gerald.

         C.Gerald made his teacher very angry. 

D.Gerald was fooled by his teacher in front of the class.

55.(   )Which is the best title for this passage?

         A.Who is the real fool?        B.Punctuation is important.

         C.Clever Gerald           D.Brave(勇敢的)Gerald





Most children today go to a school where each class has its own room. It was different many years ago. Most children went to a one-room schoolhouse. In a one-room schoolhouse all the children learned in one room from the same teacher. A fourth grader might sit next to a ninth grader. Possibly you have seen a one-room schoolhouse on a television programme.

  There was a good reason for many of the one-room schoolhouses. They were often in the countryside, where there were only ten or twenty children going to school. Then one room was big enough for everyone. Today there are many more children going to school. The one-room schoolhouse has just about disappeared(消失).




学   校
班   级
姓   名

46.(  )The best title is _______.

         A.Today’s Schoolhouses       B.The One-room Schoolhouse

         C.Big Enough for Everyone      D.Fourth and Ninth Graders

47.(  )Children going to a one-room schoolhouse had _______.

         A.the same teacher         B.different teachers

         C.no lunch period         D.no homework

48.(  )Schoolhouses today usually have _______.

         A.one room            B.one teacher   

C.twenty pupils          D.more than one room

49.(  )One-room schoolhouses were not used where _______.

        A.there were farms nearby      

B.people lived far from each other

        C.there were many pupils      

D.there was one teacher

50.(  )The underlined word “possibly” means “_______”.

        A.usually     B.maybe         C.luckily     D.often


35.(  )— May I speak to Mary?

— Sorry, she _______ South Africa. But she _______ in a week.

A.has been to;will come back          

B.has gone to;won’t come back 

C.has gone to;will come back

