0  117511  117519  117525  117529  117535  117537  117541  117547  117549  117555  117561  117565  117567  117571  117577  117579  117585  117589  117591  117595  117597  117601  117603  117605  117606  117607  117609  117610  117611  117613  117615  117619  117621  117625  117627  117631  117637  117639  117645  117649  117651  117655  117661  117667  117669  117675  117679  117681  117687  117691  117697  117705  447090 

3.________,even if we have good senses, the senses can still________us.(P1)

A.However;confuse    B.While;be confused   C.But,be confusing     D.While;confused


2.Blind people can ________by touching letters in________dots called Braille.(P1)

A.see books;rising     B.read book;raised    C.look at books;risen  D.read;raised



1.If you hold your nose when you eat, your sense of taste________work as well as________.(P1)

A.do not; common     B.will not;usual        C.does not;average    D.can not;normal















听下面一段对话,回答第6~7 两个小题。

6.(  )What is Daming’s favourite subject?

      A.Chinese.       B.Maths.        C.Science.

7.(  )How long has the space journey taken?

      A.3 weeks.           B.3 months.          C.5 months.

听下面一段对话,回答第8~9 两个小题。

8.(  ) Where did Garfield first appear?

     A. In a film.        B. In a cartoon book.    C. On TV.

9.(  ) Why does the man like Snoopy? 

     A. Because it is a dog.     

     B. Because it is very funny.     

     C. Because it is very lovely.

听下面一段对话,回答第10~12 三个小题。

10.(  )How long has Lucy been feeling sick?

      A.About a day.     B.About 48 hours.     C.About a week.

11.(  )What’s Lucy’s trouble now?

      A.She has a headache. 

B.She has a fever. 

C.She hates taking the medicine.

12.(  )What shouldn’t Lucy do?

        A.Take the medicine three times a day.

B.Have a good rest.

      C.Take the medicine with cold water.


13.(  )Why does the boy telephone English-help Centre?

A.He wants to join the English club.  

B.He has some problems with English.

C.He wants to help others with their English.

14.(  )What is the boy weak in?

A.Speaking and writing. 

B.Speaking and listening. 

C.Writing and listening.

15.(  )What does the girl tell the boy to do?

A.Try to talk more with foreign teachers.

B.Keep an English diary and listen to English songs.

C.Join a language club, listen to the tape and learn English songs.




1.(  )A.It lasts for four months.    

B.It’s hot and sunny.     

C.It’s been rainy for ten days.

2.(  )A.It’s my pleasure.     B.Thank you.       C.OK. Sorry!

3.(  )A.It doesn’t work.     B.It’s beautiful.       C.I like it very much.

4.(  )A.By train.       B.Two weeks.        C.Once a week.

5.(  )A.The concert is excellent.

        B.Don’t worry. There’s still half an hour to go.

        C.Yes, I think so.




What does David do?
He (16) ________________ in English in CCTV.
Where was he born?
In (17) ___________________________.
When did he start to show interest in his job?
He showed interest in his job at the age of (18)______________.
Where did he listen to the news?
He listened to the news both on TV and on the (19)___________________.
When did he come back to China?
About(20)_______________________ ago.




第I卷(听力部分  共20分)




听下面一段对话,回答第6~7 两个小题。

6.(  )Who is Miss Green?

A.Linda’s English teacher. 

B.Linda’s mother. 

C.Linda’s doctor.

7.(  )Where does the dialogue happen?

A.In school.       B.In an office.      C.On the phone.

听下面一段对话,回答第8~9 两个小题。

8.(  )What’s Sally’s problem?

        A.She was too busy to go to her friend’s party.               

B.She doesn’t like going to a party.              

C.No one invited her to her friend’s party.

9.(  )How does she feel now?

        A.Lonely.            B.Angry.        C. Happy.

听下面一段对话,回答第10~12 三个小题。

10.(  )What’s Johnny’s new job?

      A.Computer engineer.    B.Salesman.       C.Hotel manager.

11.(  )Who paid for Johnny’s trip to Japan?

A.His company.       B.Himself.        C.Laura.

12.(  )Why did Johnny call Laura?

        A.To tell her that he got a new job.

B.To ask her to be his assistant.

C.To tell her about his trip to Japan.


13.(  )What are they talking about?

A.Their weekends.    B.Their families.    C.Their plans.

14.(  )What did Frank do on Saturday?

A.He did his homework.  B.He saw movies.    C.He did some cleaning.

15.(  )Where was Kate on Sunday evening?

A.At a cinema.      B.On the beach.     C.In her house.




1.(  )  A. By bus.    B. About ten minutes’s ride.   C. It takes about half an hour.

2.(  )  A. That’s fine.   B. Sunny, I think.       C. It’ll between 10 and 20 degrees.

3.(  )  A. As a secretary.   B. In a bookshop.     C. At the age of 23.

4.(  )  A. Sure, I will.     B. No problem.        C. That sounds wonderful.

5.(  )  A. Of course not.   B. Sure. Here you are.   C. Certainly. How can I help?




City he / she is in
Plans for summer holiday
Fan Zhe
To go to Shanghai with his (16)_______________.
Gao Yuan
To leave for (17) _______________ with 20 other students on (18) ___________________ to take a summer course.
Xing Wei and Zhou Xiaolin
To have (20)____________ and English lessons.





学   校
班   级
姓   名

Module 9~10过关测试卷

第I卷(听力部分  共20分)

