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73.He______no______,his generals divided his vast kingdom among themselves.(P58)

A.had; sons             B.having; son           C.had; a son     D.having; any sons


72.However, many cities rose up against Alexander, so he led an army________them back.(P55)

A.to taking             B.to take                    C.to bring         D.to bringing


72.When________how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Great’s influence.(P58)

A.to be asked                B.asking                C.asked            D.being asked


71.Sometimes the best way________these events and changes is________the people who played key roles in history.(P58)

A.to understand;to look at                      B. to understanding;looked at

C. of being understood;to looking at                D. of understanding;look at


70.The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt ________against Japan.(P55)

A.indicated             B.admitted             C.announced      D.declared


69.A surprise attack was__________ at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941, which led to the US________ the Second World War.(P55)

A.happened; enter                              B.carried out; entering

C.occurred;entering                            D.taken place;enter


68.That it keeps raining cats and dogs ________ the tourists.(P50)

A.worry                 B.worries               C.have worried    D.has worried


67.Archaeology(考古学) is _________study of________civilization by looking at things that remain from the time the civilization existed.(P47)

A.the; a                 B.a; the                C.a; a              D.the; the


66.However, they could not get away fast enough, so they were buried ____the ash.(P45)

A.under                 B.following             C.below            D.beneath


65.The reason________the people of Pompeii did not run away was ________the did not know what a volcano was.(P45)

A.for; because          B. for which; because  C. why; that        D.what; for

