0  117526  117534  117540  117544  117550  117552  117556  117562  117564  117570  117576  117580  117582  117586  117592  117594  117600  117604  117606  117610  117612  117616  117618  117620  117621  117622  117624  117625  117626  117628  117630  117634  117636  117640  117642  117646  117652  117654  117660  117664  117666  117670  117676  117682  117684  117690  117694  117696  117702  117706  117712  117720  447090 

74.The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserved __________further.

A.to be developed      B.developing          C.development        D.A & B


73.With the rapid __________of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future.

A.developed          B.developing          C.development        D.to develop


72.In defeat, the Kangaroos found something more__________than victory-they found friendship, honor and respect.

A.confident           B.delighted           C.frequent            D.precious


71.A teammate passed the ball to him, and __________it hit his hand.

A.by accident          B.in advance          C.therefore           D.in general


70.The match was __________with minutes __________.

A.equal; going            B.tried; gone          C.tied; to go          D.beaten; going


69.In the next tournament, the Kangaroos defeated the Eagles_________a score of 5_________1.

A.by; to              B.at; to               C.for; as              D.towards; against


68.The Eagles went home__________because they did not win the tournament.

A.angrily and bitterly   B.angry and bitter      C.angrily and bitter        D.angry and bitterly


67.However, with the referees now__________a close watch on the Eagles, they struggled and lost their next match.

A.to keep                B.keeping            C.kept               D.being kept


66.However, the IOC is considering __________the number and type of Olympic sports in the future, so wushu fans may finally get ________they are hoping for.

A.changing; what      B.to change; what      C.changing; that       D.to change; that


65.Wushu __________to get into the Olympics, because the IOC has still not approved the sport due to the concern about the balance of sports.

A.applies             B.will apply           C.is applying          D.has applied

