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Dear Dr Know,

 I'm not happy. I have too  31   rules in my family. I have to  32   at 6:00 every morning. I can't  33   my friends after school.  34   I have to  35   my dog for a walk. I can't watch TV on school nights. And I have to  36   in bed by ten o'clock.  37   weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mother  38   dinner. Later I have to go to the Children's Palace  39   the piano. I never have any fun.   40   can I do?


31.(   )A.many      B. much      C.a few

32.(   )A.go to bed    B.get up      C.go home

33.(   )A.watch      B.look       C.meet

34.(   )A.so       B.then       C.because

35.(   )A.bring      B.take       C.carry

36.(   )A.be       B.is        C.am

37.(   )A.In       B.On       C.At

38.(   )A.. making     B.make      C.do

39.(   )A.learn      B.to learn     C.learning

40.(   )A.Why      B.What      C.How


30.(   )The little boy _______ play_______ piano. But he can sing a song .

A.can’t, the        B.can, a        C.can’t, /


29.(   )—_______you_______ have dinner with me this afternoon?  — Yes, I’d love to.

A.Would, like to     B.Do, like to      C.Will, like to


28.(   )Don’t worry     my study. I do well at school.

A.about         B.with         C.of


27.(   )—_______ she _______ well?  — Yes, she can

       . A.Does, dance      B.Can, dance      C.Is, dancing


26.(   )We have many things here. There _______ a lot of animals.

       A.are also        B.are too       C.also have   


25.(   )Sometimes there are two_______ mobile phones at the Lost and Found office.

       A.thousand       B.thousands       C.thousands of   


24.(   )— Are you_______ your dog?   —Yes, but I can’t_______ it.

A.looking for, find     B.finding, look for   C.looking for, look for


23.(   )Her sister is careless(粗心). She often _______ things in the classroom after school.

A.leaves        B.forgets       C.takes 

