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Is it difficult to _________________________________ Americans?



You should have a rest and _________________________ the work.


八、完成句子: 按照下面各题的中文意思用英语完成句子,把答案写在横线上,词数不限。


I promise my parents that I will study hard ____________________.



I am a boy. I like sports very much.(56)S_________ in the river is my favourite sport. My brothers and I spend the(57)s_________ holiday with my uncle and aunt in their house. It is near the sea. It’s(58)o_______ 20 metres away from the sea. Every day we put(59)o_________ our swimming suits after breakfast, run down to the sea and jump into the sea. Then we stay in the sea all the(60)m_________. When we are hungry at noon, we go back to the house for food, but we eat it quickly(61)i________ our swimming suits and soon back to the sea again. We also like(62)h_________ a picnic on the beach. Sometimes my brothers and I collect(63)l_________ there, and  sometimes I talk(64)t_________ my uncle and aunt. We all(65)e_________ ourselves.



Some people learn a foreign language easily. Others may not. How can you help yourself learn English? I think there are two ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting.

First, you should build up confidence. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. When you read or listen to something, you may not be able to understand it all. Don’t worry. You can use a dictionary to help you. You can ask your teacher or friends to help you. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. You can learn from mistakes.

Second, practise using English. For example, write a diary in English every day, and you’ll be able to write better. Speak English whenever you can. You may practise with your friends after class. Then you’ll be able to speak better.

Remember the famous saying, “Practice makes perfect.” The more you practise using English, the better you’ll learn it.

51.(   )What is the main idea of the passage?

       A.It is very important and useful to learn a foreign language.

       B.Some people learn a foreign language more easily than others.

       C.There are different ways to help you learn a foreign language more easily.

       D.You should build up confidence before you learn a foreign language.

52.(   )What’s the first way to help you learn English?

       A.Try not to make any mistakes.   

B.Try not to ask others for help.

       C.Try to build up your confidence.  

D.Try to make learning English interesting.

53.(   )What’s the second way to help you learn English?

       A.Practise using English       B.Pracise writing English

       C.Practise speaking English      D.Practise listening English

54.(   )What does the underlined sentence “Practice makes perfect.” mean?

       A.巧妇难为无米之炊。       B.机不可失,时不再来。

       C.熟能生巧。           D.水滴石穿。

55.(   )What can you do when you meet some new words?

       A.We can use a dictionary to help us.   

B.We can ask our teacher or friends for help.

       C.We need to be very afraid of making mistakes.   

D.Both A and B.





Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr. Brown, a worker, the other is Mr. Black. Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is next to the road. Mr. Black is in front of him. Mr. Black finds Mr. Brown. Then Mr. Black begins to walk faster, because he wants to get to the chair before Mr. Brown. Now Mr. Brown begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run. Mr. Black runs faster than Mr. Brown. So he gets to the chair first and sits down on it. Mr. Brown runs after Mr. Black. When he gets to the chair, he sees Mr. Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice with the words “Wet Paint” to Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black knows why Mr. Brown is going to the chair.

46.(   )Where are Mr. Brown and Mr. Black?

A.In the garden.   B.On the chair.  C.In the park.  D.Next to the road.

47.(   )What are they doing? They are _______.

       A.talking  B.walking to the chair  C.holding a notice  D.sitting on a chair

48.(   )_______ is after _______ at first.

A.Mr. Black,Mr. Brown       B.The worker,Mr. Brown

       C.Mr. Brown,Mr. Black       D.Mr. Brown,the worker

49.(   )_______ get to chair first.

A.The worker    B.Mr. Brown   C.Mr. Black    D.A student

50.(   )Mr. Brown goes to the chair because _______.

A.he wants to sit there         B.it is his chair    

C.he wants to talk to Mr. Black on the chair 

D.he wants to tell people “Wet Paint”



It’s a  31   Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Green are going to the People’s Park with  32   daughter, Ann. At 8 o’clock they are going  33   bus. On the bus there are a lot of people, men, women and  34  . Some are Americans. Some are  35  . Others are Japanese. They are all their  36  . They are going to the People’s Park, too.

There are  37   special Chinese in the bus. One is a woman. She’s driving the bus. The other is a teacher in a middle school. He  38   English well. He’s now talking something about the park. The children are  39   him. They want to get there quickly. They hope to  40   there today!

31.(   )A.good            B.fine         C.well   

32.(   )A.theirs            B.her           C.their   

33.(   )A.by             B.in           C.on     

34.(   )A.boys            B.girls         C.children

35.(   )A.American         B.Chinese      C.Japanese  

36.(   )A.students         B.workers      C.friends   

37.(   )A.one            B.two          C.many

38.(   )A.says            B.speaks        C.talks   

39.(   )A.listening to       B.seeing           C.hearing  

40.(   )A.be friends          B.see a good film   C.have a good time


30.(   )— _______ buy a present for mum online?

       — Good idea.  

A.Why not to        B.Why don’t     C.Why not


29.(   )No one _______ him here.

A.know          B.knows       C.is know

