0  119391  119399  119405  119409  119415  119417  119421  119427  119429  119435  119441  119445  119447  119451  119457  119459  119465  119469  119471  119475  119477  119481  119483  119485  119486  119487  119489  119490  119491  119493  119495  119499  119501  119505  119507  119511  119517  119519  119525  119529  119531  119535  119541  119547  119549  119555  119559  119561  119567  119571  119577  119585  447090 

9. — Ben is always doing so poorly.

   — It is      he lacks good education.

   A. why                   B. because    C. since       D. for


8. All happy families      one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

   A. are resembling               B. will be resembled  

   C. are resembled               D. resemble


7. Greatly encouraged by what the teacher said, the boy returned to his seat,      to study harder.

   A. having determined       B. to determine      

   C. determined                 D. being determined


6. Seeing the problem      eventually, I felt a great load taken off my mind.

   A. solved       B. solve        C. solving     D. to be solved


5. From the      expression on the boy’s face, we knew that he was really scared.

   A. terrifying   B. terrify        C. terrified     D. terrifies


4. They had thought they could reach an agreement on where to travel soon, only      it was hard to please all.                           

   A. found        B. having found   C. finding     D. to find


3. — Do you hear someone      at the door?

   — Yes, I’ll go and see who it is.

   A. knocked      B. knock        C. knocking    D. to knock


2. —We’re going, Mary.

   —      I’m not quite ready.

   A. Hang on a minute.            B. Get a move on.   

   C. How are you?               D. I don’t get it.


第一部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

1. George said he used to live in a world of      fantasy as      adolescent. 

   A. a; \         B. \; \          C. \; an       D. a; an


第二节 写作(满分30分)



1. 部分图片显示不完整、不清晰;

2. 网站内容更新不够及时。


1. 词数120~150; 

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:忠实的 devoted;更新  update

