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My favorite book that I’ve read is the well-known novel Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. The novel is about a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian Robeson. He goes to meet his father in Canada, but when he’s in the plane heading for his father, something goes terribly wrong — the pilot of the plane gets a sudden heart attack. Brian is stranded (处于困境) in the Canadian wilderness after the plane crashes, with only a hatchet (手斧) and the clothes on his back.

As the plane goes down in the story, the risks rise for Brian. That’s one reason why this book is so great. Gary Paulsen explains Brian’s troubles in simple words, but he also uses lots of those words to describe Brian’s troubles as well.

One other reason is that it sparks (激发) your mind into reading or makes you start reading Gary Paulsen’s books. In this novel, the question is, “How will the main character survive?” So it’s obvious that this book is an adventure and a “man against nature” novel. As you have probably guessed, Brian suffers from hunger and searches for food and shelter. When Brian finds any kind of food, he feels as if he just found money in the street.

The third reason why this book is so well thought of is the creativity Gary has put into Brian. Brian uses a lot of things in his surroundings in every way: a common stick can be a spear (矛) or an arrow.

In a word, when you start this book, you won’t stop reading it until Brian is rescued. I feel that Gary Paulsen gave Brian Robeson life, and that’s what made Hatchet a great book.

1. What challenge does Brian have to face?         

   A. He can hardly keep himself warm. 

   B. He is too young to protect himself.

   C. It’s very difficult to find food.   

   D. He has no tools with him.

2. What’s probably the ending of the story?

   A. The boy is found and saved.   

   B. The boy fails to defeat difficulties.

   C. The boy manages to fly to his father.

   D. The boy lives in the wilderness forever.

3. We can learn from the text that    .

   A. the novel mainly tells us how to survive in the wild

   B. hatchet is the only thing that the pilot leaves to Brian

   C. Gary Paulsen saved Brian Robeson’s life

   D. the author thinks highly of the novel


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



1. 部分图片显示不完整、不清晰;

2. 网站内容更新不够及时。


1. 词数100左右; 

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:忠实的 devoted;更新  update


第三部分 写作

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was walking along the street while a stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a new restaurant. I told him the route and directions carefully.

As soon as I have finished, the stranger thanked me and started off. To my surprised, he went to the wrong direction. So I stopped him at once and told him a mistake he had made.

Unexpected, he smiled and told me the truth which he didn’t really want to ask the way. Instead, he was just trying know whether everyone knew exactly where the new restaurant was, so he was the owner of the restaurant. Then I knew what he was and what he wanted to do.


46.        47.        48.        49.        50.      


41.        42.        43.        44.        45.       




Bus rides are a necessary part of almost any long-term trip.   16   Unless flight prices suddenly rapidly drop, buses are going to continue to be the preferred method of transportation for any budget traveler and we’re all just going to have to learn to deal with it.

First, you have to mentally (精神上) prepare yourself. You cannot get on a bus thinking it will be over in a minute when in fact you will be stuck in that seat for the next 20 hours.    17   Will you sleep? Listen to music? Read? Watch a movie? Perhaps you can do a combination of all of those things, but any way, make sure you have some ideas.

  18   Do you really want to suffer with 2 dead legs and a stiff back just to save a little money? Make a decision based more on your sanity (理智) than your pocket. If you are going to be on the bus for an extended period of time, look into the different types of buses available.

Never forget food. Even if the bus company claims you will be served a meal or snacks, you should really pack your own.   19   You also run the risk of unexpected delays. Sometimes, that meal is supposed to hold you over for 10 hours instead of 5. Nothing makes a bus ride seem longer like a growling stomach.

Prepare yourself for noise.   20   You might hear a conversation you wish you didn’t have to overhear. You could also get seated next to someone with a screaming baby. Bring along earplugs, an iPod and patience.

A. Don’t forget your camera.

B. The meals on buses might not always satisfy you.

C. You must make sure you choose the bus wisely.

D. However, in my experience, buses tend to be very cold.

E. Buses are going to have noises that you wish they didn’t.

F. They are cheap and convenient but not always comfortable or fast.

G. Try to plan how you will occupy (占用) your mind during those hours.



American psychologists have found that knowing an experience is about to come to an end makes people enjoy it even more.

“Endings affect us in lots of ways, and one is this kind of positive effect,” said researcher Ed O’Brien. “It’ll give you motivation (激励). You think, ‘I’d better gain the benefits of this experience even though it’s going to end,’ or ‘I want to get something good out of this while I still can.’ When you simply tell people something is the last, they may like that thing more.”

In the study, fifty-two students were asked to pick five chocolates of different flavours in random (任意的) order from a hidden pocket inside a bag, and rank how much they enjoyed it on a scale (等级) of one to five. Some of the students were told when they were about to eat the last chocolate, while others were not given any warning. The last chocolate was found to be the favourite among the students 64% of the time, regardless of the flavour. Among the students who didn’t realize they were on their last chocolate, the last one was ranked favourite just 22% of the time.

“Many experiences have happy endings — from the movies we watch to dessert at the end of a meal — and so people may have a general expectation (期望) that things end well,” Mr. O’Brien said.

But he added that the findings of the “little chocolate test” could have wider implications (暗示). For example, the professor marking the last exam paper may give it a higher grade even if it’s not as good as the ones previously marked. And employers may be more likely to give a job to the applicant (求职者) who was interviewed last.

12. The second paragraph tells us that knowing something is ending,    .

    A. people will feel disappointed                B. people will become proud

    C. people will become inspired               D. people will become nervous

13. We can learn from the text that    .

    A. those students were divided into three groups

    B. about forty-two students took part in the study

    C. those who weren’t warned didn’t like the last chocolate

    D. those who were warned liked the last chocolate better

14. Who may be most likely to cause the positive effect?

    A. The student who is latest for school.

    B. The last passenger who gets on the bus.

    C. The last employee who finishes the project.

    D. The last person who gives a performance.

15. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

    A. The last chocolate tastes best

    B. The best chocolate is in the box

    C. The ending of an experience makes people happier

    D. The latest study helps solve a puzzling problem




I can give you a first-hand experience since my wife and I visited Havelock Island last year. 

Arriving at Havelock, you will be so attracted by the beauty of Radhanagar Beach that you try to forget the crocodile (鳄鱼) incident. We were led off the beach at sunset by a local policeman who patrolled (巡逻) along the beach. We also found that almost nobody was in the water along the long beach. The few that were in the water were up to their waist or so. I don’t want to discourage you from going but it’s just worth knowing this is a very wild place where it would be possible to see many types of wild animals, including crocodiles.

During our week on the island, I went diving at several sites, all of which were a long distance from Havelock. We spent about 45 minutes crossing the mangroves (红树林) in waist-deep water at times in order to get to the beach. If there are crocodiles on Havelock, I would say they would be there since the conditions are ideal for them — lots of mud and hot pools of still water. Returning from Elephant Beach we got lost in the mangroves for over 2 hours and my wife started to get quite nervous. So if you go through the mangroves to get to Elephant Beach, be sure to mark the route you take to get back, since the path is almost impossible to find unless you know exactly where it is.

In summary, I would say that if you don’t mind taking your holiday with some caution in not being as free to swim in the water as you want, then I would say you’ll have a good time on and around Havelock Island.

Hope this helps.   


8. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the letter?

   A. To attract more visitors to Radhanagar Beach.

   B. To introduce wild animals on Havelock Island.

   C. To warn about the danger on Havelock Island.

   D. To share some knowledge about crocodiles.

9. We can infer from the text that    .

   A. Radhanagar Beach is not open to visitors

   B. Havelock Island is the best place for divers

   C. a crocodile incident probably once happened on Havelock

   D. the author feels regret for his visit to Havelock Island

10. Why does the author believe crocodiles exist in the mangroves?

   A. Because he saw much mud and hot water pools there.

   B. Because there was almost nobody swimming there.

   C. Because he saw many types of wild animals there.

   D. Because his wife saw signs of crocodiles in the water.

11. During his visit to Havelock Island, the author once    .

   A. got fined by a policeman on Radhanagar Beach

   B. got lost on the way back from Elephant Beach

   C. was attacked by wild animals in the mangroves

   D. was warned by swimmers to stay away from the water

