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One day Birbal saw an artist who was quite worried. Birbal asked him, “What’s the   16  ?” The artist said, “One day I met a businessman in a party. There he said no artist could portray (为……画像) him perfectly. Hearing this, I accepted his   17  . A few days later when I finished the portrait, I visited him and showed the portrait to him. But   18   the portrait, he screamed, ‘You have portrayed me in beard!’ I tried to convince him that at the time of the portrait making, he was possessing beard. But he did not   19   me at all.”

The artist was in tears. Birbal   10   him and asked further. The artist said, “Sir, then I asked him to give me another   21   to prove my skills. He   22  . After a few days I visited him with a new portrait. I was quite   23   this time. But when I saw him he was not clean-shaven. As I   24  , he shouted, ‘This can’t be my picture.’ I said it was not my   25  . However, he declared I   26   to fulfill my challenge. I asked for one more chance but he   27   me the next time, too.”

Birbal was a kind man; he decided to   28   the artist. He accompanied him up to the businessman’s house. Birbal remained outside, whereas the artist entered inside.

As soon as the businessman saw the artist, he said, “Oh, great artist! You are here again! It seems you have come again with some of your rubbish   29  .” The artist replied, “Sir, I’m sure, what I’ve   30   today will surely match your   31  .”

Saying so, he passed on something to him. The businessman   32   it and looked. But it was just a mirror. He screamed   33  , “What a silly joke it is!” Then entered Birbal; he said, “I think only mirror can show your present face.”

The businessman was very   34   to see and hear Birbal. He begged his pardon for what he had done and   35   the artist well.

16. A. mistake     B. cause        C. truth       D. difference

17. A. decision     B. opinion      C. battle       D. challenge

18. A. finishing    B. painting      C. seeing      D. collecting

19. A. listen to     B. look at       C. trust        D. understand

20. A. saved       B. comforted    C. followed     D. supported

21. A. standard     B. test         C. chance      D. place

22. A. prepared    B. agreed       C. stopped     D. managed

23. A. confident    B. free         C. positive     D. content

24. A. feared      B. discovered    C. heard       D. believed

25. A. doubt      B. trouble       C. fault        D. duty

26. A. pretended    B. attempted     C. refused      D. failed

27. A. hurt        B. blamed       C. tricked      D. punished

28. A. protect      B. help         C. employ      D. reward

29. A. item       B. bag         C. load        D. suggestion

30. A. observed    B. brought      C. kept        D. started

31. A. body       B. action       C. dress       D. face

32. A. caught      B. reached      C. held        D. touched

33. A. sadly       B. proudly      C. carefully     D. angrily

34. A. ashamed    B. worried      C. disappointed  D. surprised

35. A. served      B. paid         C. praised      D. knew


15. “Well done, Gina! Not a single mistake     in this exam!” said the teacher.

   A. you made                B. did you make C. made you   D. you did make


14.     it have been the pressure from the tough task that led to his sleepless nights?

   A. Could                  B. Would      C. Should      D. Must


13. Last night Liverpool beat Barcelona 3:1. It will play AC Milan in the European Cup final     in Moscow on May 28th.

   A. held    B. being held    C. to hold       D. to be held


12. — Don’t blame yourself too much. It is too early to start the afternoon class at 1:00 p.m.

   — No, the class     to 2:00 p.m., and I was still 30 minutes late.

   A. will be rescheduled         B. would be rescheduled

   C. is being rescheduled         D. had been rescheduled


11. I bought an apartment at the beginning of 2007, when house prices were still reasonable; but    , its value began to shoot up.

   A. long before B. in time       C. before long       D. on time


10. — I’m sorry to hear about Bill’s    . I know he was sick a lot.

   — It wasn’t that. Bill made a big mistake in his report, which made his boss very angry.

   A. firing       B. to be fired    C. having fired     D. being fired


9. With the demand outnumbering the supply in the job market, it is no news nowadays that a person with a doctorial (博士的) degree may     jobless.

   A. put up    B. end up     C. take up       D. pick up


8. His failure came as no surprise     the fact that he hadn’t got himself well prepared for it.

   A. due to     B. along with    C. in spite of    D. regardless of


7. Generally speaking, female assistants are more patient and skillful in their relationship with customers, because they’re more     to customers’ needs.

   A. gifted    B. available   C. sensitive   D. addicted

