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83. —Can you answer these q_________ .  — Yes ,of course , they are so easy.


82. The robots will do many things for us in the f_________.


81. In Greece, it’s very r______ to wave to say goodbye.




sale   size   take   on   colour


Shop worker : What can I do for you ?

Tom: I’d like to buy a coat for my dad.

Shop worker: What  76   does he like ?

Tom: Red.

Shop worker: All right. What  77  does he take ?

Tom: Middle.

Shop worker: What about this one?

Tom: May I try it  78   ?

Shop worker: Certainly.

Tom: Look at the price. It’s 400 yuan. That’s too much.

Shop worker : But wait a minute!There’s a   79   on today. Everything is half price.

Tom: OK! I’ll   80   it.





Lucy:  71 

Grandfather: I was born in November 1938.

Lucy:  72 

Grandfather: Yes, I did .

Lucy: Did you watch television?

Grandfather:  73  We didn’t have a TV. We listened to the radio.

Lucy:  74 

Grandfather: Yes, they did .

Lucy: Did you play computer games then?

Grandfather: No, we didn’t.  75  We had games like chess .










Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.

If you are a visitor in Mongolia and some friends ask you to eat with them, you should give a loud “burp” after you finish eating. Burping will show that you like your food. In some other countries, if you give a loud burp, you should say , “Excuse me, please”

   In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen (被看见) eating . People show their good manners by turning their backs on others when they eat.

What are good manners like in an East Africa town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. But he may not see you at all .If you’re polite, you may sit down beside him .You’ll wait until he finishes what he is doing .Then he will talk to you.

   If you meet a friend in Arabia(阿拉伯),you should walk behind the tent if you don’t come to his tent. If you pass in front of other’s tents , the owner(主人) will ask you to eat with them . And it is bad manners if you say no.


66. In Mongolia , burping is a way of showing that ______ .

A. you enjoy your meal                 B. you don’t like the meal

C. your meal is not good            D. you want to eat more

67. In some part of Polynesia, to be polite when eating you should     .

A. talk much with others           B. be silent.

  C. turn your back on others           D. eat quickly

68. In Arabia it is bad manners ______.

A. To walk in front of tents          B. To visit a friend if he is working

  C. Not to come into the people’s tents        D. Not to eat together if the owner ask you to

69. In East African town mentioned in the passage, people ______ .

A. won’t talk to visitor until they finish what they are doing     

B. don’t like a visitor until they finish what they are doing     

C. Like to talk to a visitor when they are working    

D. talk to a visitor before they are working

70. The best title of the passage is     .

A. Different manners in some places    

B. Different places, different manners    

C. Good manners and bad manners     

D. Manners of eating and visiting friends



Tom is a good boy , but he can not get up early . He often sleeps until nine or ten o’clock in the morning. His mother doesn’t want to be late for school. So she buys him an alarm clock. She says to him, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring”.

“Yes, Mum.” Tom says. And from then on, Tom gets up when he hears the clock ring at six thirty every morning . One day his mother forgets to ring up the clock. And the next morning Tom doesn’t get up at six thirty. It’s time for breakfast . Mother goes to wake him up. Tom is in bed and his eyes are open . He says to his mother , “I wake up very early.”

  “Then why don’t you get up?” Mother asks.

  “But,” answers Tom, “You tell me that I must get up when I hear the clock ring. So I am now waiting for the clock ring .”


61. The funny story mainly tells us about ______ .

A. A good boy             

B. Being late for school in the morning

C. An honest boy waiting for the clock ring    

D. Time for breakfast

62. Before Tom’s mother buys a clock for him, __________ . 

A. he always goes to school early          

B. he often gets up late

C. he goes to bed until six thirty in the evening  

D. he wants to go to school early.

63. One day, the clock doesn’t ring , ______ . 

  A .but Tom still gets up early            B. so Tom doesn’t wake up early     

  C. so Tom forgets to ring it up         D. but Tom still wakes up early

64. ______ , but he can’t get up early in the morning .

A. Tom is a bad boy                 B. Tom is a good boy    

C. Tom is often late for school             D. Tom always goes to school in time.

65. From this passage we know that ______ .

A. boys can not get up early     

B. mothers likes to buy clocks for their children       

C. the clock can not wake up Tom in the morning      

D. children can wake up early



John spent his summer holiday in China with his parents last year. Their visited a lot of famous cities like Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. In Beijing he visited the Great Wall, Tian’an Men Square and the Palace Museum. They also went to the zoos and the parks. The weather was fine and cool. They had a good time in the zoos and the parks. They also took lots of photos there. In Guangzhou, they visited some museums. They were very interesting but kind of crowded. In Shanghai they went to the beach and had great fun playing in the water.

   “It’s very interesting to visit China and I learnt a lot about Chinese history.” John said, “I like China very much.”


56. Which city did John go during his summer holiday in China?

A. Dalian.           B. Tianjin.      C. Changchun.    D. Shanghai.

57. In Beijing John visited ______ .

A. The Great Wall       B. Some zoos     C. Some parks      D. all of the above

58. What does John think of his trip to China ?

A. Very interesting .      B. Very tiring.    C. Very boring.    D. Too bad.

59. Which of the following sentences is TRUE ?

A. John spent his summer holiday in China this year.    

B. They went to some supper markets in Guangzhou.    

C. The weather was cloudy and windy when they were in Beijing .       

D. In Shanghai they went to the beach and had great fun there .

60. This passage tell us      .

A. John visited China with his friend last summer holiday  

B. How John spent his last summer holiday 

C. John visited some zoos and parks in Beijing 

D. John liked his trip to China very much 

