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1. He was playing the guitar at this time yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

   __________ was he ____________ at this time yesterday?



   All parents love their children.Many parents want their kids to  1  well-known people when they

   2   .Most of them want their kids to live better than others. Many of them   3   their kids will be singers or actors. Actors or singers can  4   money easily in our country. When they appear in the advertisements, they will get  5   money which a farmer or a worker cannot  make all his life.

   Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen  6  doctors.If they work hard,they will have cars and big houses in several   7  , Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns.They don’t  8   them to work in the countryside.People who work in the cities and towns can get money after they  9   .If you are a famous man ,especially an anctor , you will get much but pay a little. A farmer is   10   --he gets little but pay much.

(    ) 1. A.do     B. become    C.like      D.work

(    ) 2.A.grow up   B.get up    C.stand up     D. Set up

(    ) 3.A.make    B.like     C.love      D.hope

(    ) 4.A.lose    B.make     C.remember   D.take

(    ) 5.A.many    B.a little     C.much     D.a few

(    ) 6.A.or     B.and      C.but      D.else

(    ) 7.A.days    B.weeks    C.years     D.months

(    ) 8.A.plan    B.need     C.enjoy     D.want

(    ) 9.A.retire    B.leave     C.die      D.move

10.(   )A.happy   B.diffirent    C.rich      D.lucky 


20. ------You weren’t at home when I called you.------Oh, I ____________outside with Tom.

    A. talked      B. talking       C. was talking    D am talking


19.(    )------Jim didn’t come to the party. 

 ------______________her sister. 

A .So did      B. So didn’t      C. Neither did    D .Neither didn’t


17. -----What do you think of journey to the west?

      -----I think it’s____________, but my friend thinks it’s too__________.

    A. wonderful enough, bored     B. enough wonderful, boring

    C. wonderful enough. boring    D. enough wonderful, bored(    )18. I don’t know if her sister_____tomorrow. I think she will come if it _____tomorrow. 

      A. will come, doesn’t rain      B. will come, won’t rain 

 C. come, won’t rain        D. comes, doesn’t rain


16. __________my opinion, we should get on well __________each other.

A. In, with     B. With, in      C. In, /       D. With, /


15. He had to give up playing tennis_______________his illness.

A. because         B. but        C. so           D. because of


14.(    )________________Tom’s help , the problems are solved successfully . 

A. As for ,      B Thanks for      C Thanks to      D. Instead of 


13.The rich woman didn’t live_____________ ,but she always feels________________. 

A. lonely; alone    B. alone; lonely     C. lonely lonely   D. alone; alone

