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四. 填空

A. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。

36. There is an empty      (座位) on the bus. 



As a student, you may have many dreams. Those dreams can be very big like getting a Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖), or very small like just becoming the best student in your class.

What do you do with your dream? Do you try your best to make it come true?

Follow Your Heart is a book by Andrew Matthews. It tells us it’s the biggest difficulty to make our dreams come true.

There will be many problems on the way to dreams, but you must never give up (放弃)  because the biggest problem comes from yourself. 

Everyone can make his or her dream come true. The first thing you need to do is to remember your dream. Don’t let it leave your heart (心). Keep telling yourself what you want and keep working hard. Do like that and your dream will come true one day.

31.(  ) Which of the following may be a small dream for a student?

      A. To be a man like Nobel.       

      B. To be a scientist.

      C. To be the best student in the class.   

      D. To get a Nobel Prize.

32.(  ) If you want to make your dream come true, the biggest problem is from      .

      A. yourself  

      B. your family  

      C. your dream    

      D. your school

33.(  ) Follow Your Heart is the name of      .

      A. a student                  

      B. a book about hearts   

      C. a book by Andrew Matthews       

      D. a dream

34.(  ) If you want to make your dream come true, you must      .

      A. make a good dream       

      B. remember the problems

      C. give it up first             

      D. always remember your dream

35.(  ) Which of the following is right?

      A. Different people have the same dream.

      B. If you keep working hard, you can make your dream come true.

      C. There are few problems on the way to dreams.

      D. When you give up your dream, it will come true soon.


二. 完形填空

When a fire happens, what should you do? You may be   16  , but you must keep calm (平静的).

Call 119 for help. Tell them   17   the fire is. Then try to tell others about the fire. You can   18   or use the fire alarm (报警器).

Next, you must get out   19  . Don’t try to take away things. Go out   20   a window if you are on the ground floor.

  21   you can’t get out of the burning building, just stay with others in one room.   22   the door. Put clothes around it closely. Then open the window and call for   23  . 

Don’t use a lift (电梯). The lift may stop at any time. You have to run   24   the stairs (楼梯) quickly. You can take a piece of   25   cloth with you. Put it over your mouth. The water in it can protect you from the smoke and fire.

16.(  ) A. careless      B. happy          C. worried       D. afraid

17.(  ) A. what        B. where          C. why          D. how

18.(  ) A. nod         B. rush            C. shout          D. laugh

19.(  ) A. slowly       B. quickly         C. faithfully      D. badly

20.(  ) A. over        B. past            C. across         D. through

21.(  ) A. If          B. But             C. Before        D. Because

22.(  ) A. Hurt        B. Protect          C. Open         D. Close

23.(  ) A. help        B. fun                C. smoke        D. fire

24.(  ) A. up         B. along           C. down         D. around

25.(  ) A. wet         B. dry                C. cold          D. warm


15.(  ) — John, can you post this letter for me?

    —      . I’ll walk past a post office.

      A. No problem    B. Good idea           C. That’s all right D. Sorry, I’m too busy


14.(  ) —       interesting story!

    —       excited you are! May I have a look at it?

      A. What a; How   B. How an; What            C. How a; What   D. What an; How


13.(  ) Lang Lang is a       pianist (钢琴家). He began to learn the piano      .

      A. 32-year-old; at the age of three     

      B. 32 years old; at the age of three

      C. 32-year-old; in the age of three     

      D. 32 years old; in the age of three


12.(  ) —      ! There is a dog in the middle of the road.

    — Oh. It’s better to leave it alone.

      A. Look up      B. Look down          C. Look out      D. Look for


11.(  ) — Look at my new skirt!

    — How beautiful!      , where did you buy it?

      A. On the way    B. In the way       C. By the way         D. In this way


10.(  ) — Mo Yan will come to Nanjing for a book show.

     —       news! I like his books a lot.

      A. What a good   B. What good       C. How a good        D. How good 

