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13.(  ) Thank you for____ me with my English.

A. help   B. helping   C. to help   D. to helping


12.(  ) It’s a _______ day, Let’s play soccer .

 A. raining  B snow    C. cloud    D. sunny


11.(  )---    ?    --- It’s windy.

   A. How is it going     B. How is the weather like ?

   C. How is the weather    D. Do you like the weather


10.(  )---Hello, Is Mary there? ---   . She’s reading in the library.

   A. Yes, she is       B. Hi, Mary speaking

  C. Sorry, she’s not here   D. No problem


9.(  ) ---What    weather! Let’s go to the park. 

--- Sounds like a good idea.

   A. a good   B. good    C. a bad     D. bad


8.(  ) Do you want    to the movies ?

   A. going   B. go     C. goes     D. to go


7.(  ) Look ! My family    TV.

A. watch   B. is watching  C. are watching  D. watches


6.(  ) Who    there ?  Isn’t that Mary ?

   A. does play  B. is playing  C. playing   D. are playing


5.(  ) ---Let’s     .    ---Good idea. I’d like a new shirt.

   A. play basketball      B. go shopping

   C. eat dinner        D. go to the movies


4.(  ) ---    English every morning ?

    ---Yes, but now I    Chinese.

   A. Are you reading; read   B. Do you read; read

   C. Are you read; am read   D. Do you read; am reading

