0  119762  119770  119776  119780  119786  119788  119792  119798  119800  119806  119812  119816  119818  119822  119828  119830  119836  119840  119842  119846  119848  119852  119854  119856  119857  119858  119860  119861  119862  119864  119866  119870  119872  119876  119878  119882  119888  119890  119896  119900  119902  119906  119912  119918  119920  119926  119930  119932  119938  119942  119948  119956  447090 

27. She _________ Shanghai with her parents last Sunday.

A. got in     B. reached    C. arrived    D. arrived at


26. Let ______ help _______.

  A. they, you    B. us, your   C. her, their    D. us, you


25. Bill said they would have _________ holiday.

  A. a three—day  B. three days   C. three—days  D. three—day’s


24. “What does he do? ” means “____________?”

  A. Who is he            B. Where is he 

  C. What is he           D. What is he doing


23. —_______ was Lily born, Lucy?   —On June 13th, 1992.

A. How     B. Where     C. When     D. What


22. Who runs ___________, Bob, Tom or Dave?

A. fast      B. faster     C. the faster    D. fastest




21. _________ a football match next week.

  A. There will have        B. There be 

C. There will be         D. There was







A          B           C




     A          B          C




 A          B          C




A          B          C



5. A. It’s Tuesday today.            B. It’s a June 3rd, 2010.   

 C. It’s quite hot, but windy.

6. A. He’s mending the bike. B. He’s a worker.     C. No, he doesn’t

7. A. Children’s Day.    B. Mother’s Day.     C. Labour Day.

8. A. Yes, I’d love to.    B. Yes, I would.      C. Yes, I do.

9. A. She was sixteen years old.           B. She is nice and kind.

C. She was very young.

10. A. Yes, I do.       B. Yes, I didn’t.     C. No, I didn’t.


11. A. Monday        B. Saturday.       C. Sunday.

12. A. Five .         B. Four .        C Three.

13. A. To go swimming,    B. To go skating.     C. To go skiing.

14. A. Two years.      B. One year.       C. Four years.

15. A. In 1918.       B. In 1919.        C. In 1990.

16. A. By plane.       B. By sea.        C. By train


17. When was my birthday?

A. This Saturday.    B. Last Saturday.      C. Last Sunday.

18. Where did we have the dinner party for my birthday?

    A. At home.              B. In a Chinese restaurant.   

C. In a western restaurant.

19. What’s my mother’s favorite food?

    A. Noodles.       B. Fried chicken.       C. Fried steak.

20. What did we do before the dinner?

    A. Sang a song.            B. Drank some tea. 

C. Sang a song and tasted the birthday cake.



2.    语句连贯,次数在80个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总次数。

Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

That’s all. Thank you.

   2013年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 (英语)


1.    不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;

