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37. I would like to be a doctor, because I want to help ___________ people.

  A. young         B. poor         C. sick             D. old


36. The house is very nice. Does it have ___________ garden?

A. /             B. a            C. an               D. the


29. think, there         30. bread, weather

A2. 选出单词中划线部分的正确读音。

31. feel 
A. / ei /
B. / i: /  
C. / e /
D. / ə /
32. autumn
A. / u: / 
B. / ʊ /
C. / ɔ: / 
D. / ju: /
33. know
A. / əʊ / 
B. / u: / 
C. / ʌ /
D. / aʊ /
34. child 
A. / θ /
B. / ʃ /
C. / ð / 
D. / tʃ/
35. teacher
A. / ə /  
B. / ɔ: /
C. / ɑ: /
D. / ɜ:/

B. 下面有一些单项选择题,爱动脑筋的你帮Hobo选选看,要认真考虑哟!



A1. 判断下列各组单词中的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的涂答案A,不同的涂B。

26. chair, hair          27. near, wear         28. watches, buses



A. 请帮助Hobo选出所听到的内容。

1. Sunshine Zoo is ___________ of Sunshine Middle School.

A. east                   B. north                C. west

2. Simon would like to buy some ___________ cards for Daniel.

A. table tennis             B. basketball             C. football

3. Amy can spend five more minutes in the ___________.

A. living room             B. bedroom             C. dining room

4. There are about ___________ families in Lucy’s town.

A. two thousand            B. three hundred          C. two hundred

5. We are going to have a “helping hands” meeting on the afternoon of ___________.

A. 15 March               B. 5 March              C. 3 May

B. 请帮助Hobo根据所听到的对话选出正确的答案。

A.            B.            C.
    6. What’s Simon’s favourite sport?





A.            B.            C.
7. What’s Kitty wearing today?




A.            B.             C.
      8. How can the woman get to Sunshine Zoo?




A.            B.            C.
9. Which room does Stephen like best?





A.            B.            C.
      10. What’s Peter going to be?




11. Where are they talking?

A. In a library.            B. In a shop.         C. In a hospital.

12. Where will they go?

A. The shopping mall.       B. The cinema.        C. The museum.

13. What is Lily’s father doing now? 

A. He’s cleaning his car.     B. He’s fixing his car.   C. He’s cleaning his room.

14. What is in the tree?

A. A big bird.             B. A kite.            C. A model plane.

15. What time is it now?

  A. It’s 6:40 p.m.           B. It’s 7:00 p.m.       C. It’s 7:20 p.m.

C. 请帮助Hobo根据所听的一段对话和两篇短文选择正确的答案。


16. What will they do in the park?

  A. Fly kites.              B. Play basketball.     C. Row a boat.

17. Where will they meet?

  A. In front of the school gate. B. In front of the park.  C. At the bus stop.


Andy’s school life
Andy is new and he has many new classmates. They are very   18    to him.
Mr. Green is from   19   . He teaches English.
Ricky’s family are from Japan. His mother is a teacher and his father is a   20   .

18. A. polite                B. friendly           C. good

19. A. Canada               B. England          C. America

20. A. policeman             B. doctor            C. manager


21. Where are the woman and the man?

A. At a shop.             B. At a cinema.       C. In a library.

22. What’s the man doing?

A. He is looking for something on the floor.            

B. He is talking with his friend.       

C. He is eating a piece of chocolate.

23. What’s the relationship(关系) between the man and the woman?

A. They are friends.        B. They are classmates.  C. They don’t know each other.

24. Why does the woman give the man a piece of chocolate?

A. Because the man wants to eat it.   

B. Because she wants the man to keep quiet.  

C. Because she thinks the piece of chocolate on the floor is dirty now.

25. What does the man really want to find?

A. His glasses.            B. His books.         C. His teeth.




will和be going to的区别

(1)  will表示意志、意愿、决心,be going to表示事先考虑好的计划和安排

e.g.  I’ll help you to carry the box.

   He has sold his house and is going to live with his daughter.

(2) 在含有条件从句或时间从句的复合句中,主句表示将来时要用will,不用be going to      e.g.  If I get the book, I will let you



2、be going to +动词原形

(1)表示现在打算或计划将来要做的事e.g. I’m going to write to Tom this evening

(2)表示根据某种迹象认为在最近或将来要发生的事。e.g. It is going to snow.


3、辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i加-es,例如:carry-carries, study-studies



时间状语:two days ago, yesterday, last week, in 1990, just now ,during the night, then,in those days等





时间状语: tomorrow, next month, the day after tomorrow, in the future, in a few days等



2、以ch, sh, s, x或o结尾的词,加-es,例如:teaches, washes, guesses, fixes, goes


1、一般情况加s,例如:looks, listens, visits

