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5. All the citizens, young and old, walked and sang, beautifully ______ in new clothes of all kinds, _______ the success of their football team.

A. dressing; celebrating          B. wearing; to celebrate  

C. dressed; to celebrate        D. worn; celebrating


3. College students should learn to compromise. But some of them only expect people to change for them, not ________ way around.

A. another       B. the other      C. other        D. any other


2. — Why didn’t you watch the program “Where are we going , Dad?”?

  — It was because something was wrong with the web TV _______too many users were

receiving it.

A. which         B. that      C. through that     D. through which


1. — What if he fails in the next monthly examination again?

  — I don’t know. ______ heart and be reduced ______ the class?

A. Will he lose; to not attending       B. Did he lose; to not attending

C. Had he lost; not to attending       D. Would he lose; to not attending





例16  Choosing the right dictionary depends on     you want to use it for.

A. what         B. why        C how         D whether

what 引导的名词性从句作介词on的宾语,what在从句中又充当介词for的宾语.

例17  We shouldn’t spend our money testing so many people, most of    are healthy.

A that            B which        C what      D whom

本题考察非限制性定性定语从句,介词of后面缺宾语,能够作宾语且能够引导定语从句的关系代词which 和whom, 由于非限制性定性定语从句用来说明前面指人的名词people, 故用whom充当介词of的宾语。





例 13  My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle ___ to balance it.

       A. having tried       B. trying            C. to try            D. tried

   分析句子结构,an experienced rider是插入语,同时,主语my sister与try之间为主动

关系,首先排除D项;而后考虑sit on the bicycle与try to balance it 同时发生,可知B项


例14  Who do you think you’d rather _____ the tape recorder?

A. have to repair     B. have fixed       C. get repaired       D. get to repair


I think I would rather have the man fix the tape recorder.

I think I would rather get the man to fix the tape recorder.

在这两句中,假若对名词the man 提问,便可得出:Who do you think you would rather have repair the tape recorder? / Who do you think you would rather get to repair the tape recorder?

例15  The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ___for the day.

A. finishing   B. finished    C. had finished   D. were finished

由于中间有逗号, 意味着后面的部分是状语。由于该部分前面没有连词,故不能用

谓语形式。 因此要用finished构成独立主格结构。



例11  He accidentally _______ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out        B. took care       C. made sure     D. made out

本题考查动词短语辨析。let out 有“遗漏;泄露”之意。take care 照料;make sure确保;make out 弄清楚。根据句中的and that 可以断定两个并列的宾语从句需要的是一个谓语动词,意思是,他偶然泄露了,他和妻子吵架后,两周都没在家里住了。因此答案是A。 

例12  In my opinion , it is the best use that could be _______ of the our money.

A. turned up     B . turned out      C. spent           D. made

该题考查固定短语make use of 。其被动语态为be made use of 。题中将use  作为先行词,而原有的动词与介词放于定语从句中。如果学生对此短语熟悉的话,会具有一定的敏感性。由此会选择D。因为其余选项与use 不搭配。故选D。




例 9 Is this factory _________ you visited last year?

A. to which      B. the one         C. that           D. where

如果将本句还原成陈述句的话,即This factory is _____ you visited last year .不难看出本句中缺少的是定语从句前的被修饰词即先行词以及引导定语从句的关系词,因此,首先,排除A、C、D项。而B项中先行词后的关系词that 或which 是定语从句中的宾语,完全可以省略,故选 B。

例10 Was it ________ the product on CCTV that made the company the focus (焦点) of the country then?

A. advertised       B. having advertised  C. to advertise  D. advertising


解本题时先将疑问句变成陈述句,不难看出这是个强调句型,判断依据是因为它由It was --- that --- 三个词构成强调句型的框架,且将这三个词去掉后句子照样成立。然后将构成强调句型的三个词It was --- that 去掉,原句变成一个一般的句子,即________ the product on CCTV made the company the focus of the country then . 再从句子的结构来看本句所缺的词与the product 构成句子的主语,所以可以排除A、B两项。最后确定用不定式还是动名词。不定式和动名词都可以作主语,而动词不定式主语是强调特定场合下发生的动作,所以C不符合题意。因此只有D项表示经常性的习惯动作或活动。




例 3 — Waiter!          — ___________.       — I can’t eat this .It’s too salty

A. Yes?           B. What?           C. Pardon?         D. Why?

本题考查对别人呼唤的应答方式,英语中应用Yes? 而不是What? 或Pardon?

例 4 — Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.

   — _______ . You look well, too.

A. Great          B. Thanks          C. Oh,no         D. Not at all

有的学生受中国传统文化的影响,很可能选C项。但是对于别人的赞美或表扬,英美人不像中国人那样“客气”,而是常用thank you 之类的答谢语。因此答案为B。

例 5 I agree with most of what you said , but I don’t agree with ________.

A. everything  B. anything        C. something       D. nothing

本题考查不定代词的用法。很多学生因为受中文翻译的影响。可能错选B。因为anything 表示“任何事情”。但是anything 在否定句中与not 相连用时其实是全否定。意思是“我不同意你所说的任何事情。”因此与前句产生矛盾。原句意思应该是“并不是你说的任何一样事情(即每一样事情)我都同意。”这与I agree with most of what you said .相一致。所以应用A项。

例 6 Which do you enjoy __________ your weekend , going skating or playing video games?

A. spending          B. to spend        C. spent           D. to be spent

由于容易受语法思维定势影响,enjoy 后面往往接动名词,所以有些学生就不加思索地选A。其实本句enjoy 的宾语是which ,而to spend your weekend 是作状语成分,因此应选不定式形式。B为正确答案。

例 7 Anyway, that evening, ________ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place.

A. when        B. where           C. what           D. which

本题考查定语从句中关系词的选择。很多学生看到that evening 一词,受思维定势影响就会选择A项。其实分析一下that evening 在非限制性定语从句中的成分可知,that evening 是tell you more about 后的宾语。因此应用关系代词which .

例 8 The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.

A. in        B. from            C. of               D. at

学生往往会受in one’s spare time 固定搭配的影响,在没有弄清句子结构的情况下错选A。其实后面的句子可以还原为What little of my spare time there is !little 在本句中是不定代词,相当于little time ,常与of 搭配。因此选C。

