0  119845  119853  119859  119863  119869  119871  119875  119881  119883  119889  119895  119899  119901  119905  119911  119913  119919  119923  119925  119929  119931  119935  119937  119939  119940  119941  119943  119944  119945  119947  119949  119953  119955  119959  119961  119965  119971  119973  119979  119983  119985  119989  119995  120001  120003  120009  120013  120015  120021  120025  120031  120039  447090 

5.[2013辽宁]25. ______ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.

A. By means of   B. On behalf of   C. In search of  D. For fear of


4.[2013江苏]26. I am always delighted when I receive an email from you.       the party on July 1st,  I shall be pleased to attend .

A. On account of   B. In response to  C. In view of     D. With regard to


3.[2013湖北]30. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase.

A. at random   B. by chance  C. in turn     D. on occasion


2.[2013福建]29. Mrs. Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always ______ whenever she tries to.

A. in the way   B. on watch      C. in sight      D. on the line


1.[2013北京]26. I have an appointment      Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.

A. to    B. off    C. with   D. from


10.[2013安徽]27. This project requires close teamwork.      will be achieved unless we work well together.

A. Nothing      B. Anything      C. Something      D. Everything

1-5 CAACC  6-10 CDDAA



9.[2013重庆]31. Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is  

A. another    B. the other    C. one another     D. one


8.[2013浙江]11. Half of ______ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.

A. these      B. some       C. ones       D. those


7.[2013新课标II卷]14. It's an either-or situation - we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do    .

A. others    B. either    C. another   D. both


6.[2013天津]12. At our factory there are a few machines similar to    described in this magazine.

A. them         B. these     C. those      D. ones

