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54.—Don’t pick the flowers in the park, please. It’s not a good habit.


    A. No way.    B. Sorry, I won’t.   C. Here you are.       D. It’s a pleasure.


53. Be quick, _______ we’ll miss the beginning of the show.

    A. and       B. but       C. or         D. so


52. If I’m free , I’d like to spend     holiday near the beach .

    A. two days      B. a two-day     C. two-days        D. two-days’


50. – Would you like some more tea ?    --      , please .

    A. No more     B. Just a little      C. I’ve had enough     D. Yes , I would

(  ) 51. --    do you hang out with your parents in a month ?  -- Three times .

    A. How long     B. How far     C. How often        D. How many times 


49. -- You come from Germany , don’t you ? 

--    . I come from a small town near Berlin .( 柏林 )

    A. No , I do     B. No , I don’t    C. Yes , I am        D. Yes , I do 


48. The middle-aged man ________ I saw yesterday is my classmate’s father.

    A. that       B. which      C. when          D. where 


47. These toys for kids look     and sell     .

    A. lovely ; well    B. lovely ; good   C. well ; good       D. good ; good


46. _______ exciting news! Zhang Ziyi was awarded best actress in the 50th Golden Horse.

    A. What    B. What an    C. How    D. How an


45. –What do your parents do ?    – One is a driver ,     is an engineer .

    A. other      B. the other     C. another         D. any other 


44. Some Chinese words such as tuhao, dama are becoming more and more ____ on the Internet.

    A. serious     B. necessary     C. comfortable    D. popular 

