0  12901  12909  12915  12919  12925  12927  12931  12937  12939  12945  12951  12955  12957  12961  12967  12969  12975  12979  12981  12985  12987  12991  12993  12995  12996  12997  12999  13000  13001  13003  13005  13009  13011  13015  13017  13021  13027  13029  13035  13039  13041  13045  13051  13057  13059  13065  13069  13071  13077  13081  13087  13095  447090 

2. speak, say, talk, chat, voice, announce

         speak 说话, 谈话, 说明事实, 表示意见, 发言, 演讲, 操(某种语言)

         say说, 讲, 背诵, 念, 表示, 比方说, 假定

         talk谈话, 讲, 谈论, 议论, 说服某人做某事

         chat闲谈:轻松随便地进行交谈;闲谈,聊天(to converse in an easy, familiar manner; talk lightly and casually)

         voice表达;说出(to give voice to; utter) 

         announce 宣布,通告(to tell a lot of people)

If I have a birthday party, I want to ________ it to my friends.

Can you ______ him into joining us in the project?

The two friends sat in a corner and _______ away about the price of stocks and shares.



1. take, bring, carry, fetch

take 拿, 拿走(to carry, lead, or cause to go along to another place)

bring 拿来, 带来(to take with oneself to a place)

carry 携带, 运送(to take from one place to another; transport)

fetch 接来, 取来, 带来( to come or go after and take or bring back)

Don't forget to ________ your umbrella when you leave. It’s going to rain.

This wonderful plane can _______ seven passengers.



(key:  1. different  2. favor  3. training  4. encouraged  5. avoid 


2、   利用句意理解、朗读、背诵记忆词汇:理解记忆会使记忆的单词更牢固。

1)       I only wear this suit on special occasions.

2)       The relations between our two countries are improving.

3)       These rules are intended to prevent accidents.

4)       This method has the advantages of saving a lot of fuel.

5)       The government has announced that electricity charges will go up this summer.

6)  I compared the copy with the original, and there wasn’t much difference.

7)  I like the style of his writing but I don’t like the content.

8)  John seems content to sit in front of the television all night.

9)  He has made an important contribution to the company’s success.

10) The arrangement suits his convenience very well.

11) Her encouragement determined me to carry on with the work.

12) Heavy traffic is causing serious delays on all routes to the coast.

13) Their efforts to improve the school have been very effective.

14) Fortunately, the fire was discovered soon after it had started.

15) Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.

16) The hotel offers the highest standards of comfort and service.

17) I’d like to go to the concert, but I haven’t any transport.

18) She didn’t like the work because it lacked variety; she was doing the same things all the time.

19) They rewarded the boy with $5 for bringing the lost dog.

20) I get along with others easily, which is especially useful for a volunteer.


Recently I’ve made a survey about the school uniforms and found out that students have (1) d ________ opinions about wearing uniforms.

    The majority of the students are in (2) f _______ of wearing school uniforms, in whose opinion, it is good for (3) t________ the students’ character and it is good for the school administration. Students can be (4) e________ to have the good qualities of diligence, discipline and modesty by wearing school uniforms. Moreover, it can help (5) a _______ sorting the students by their clothing.

However, some students are (6) a_______ wearing school uniforms, for they think the (7) d ______ of the school uniform is rather plain and the color (is) quite dull. In addition, it is very uncomfortable to wear school uniforms. In their minds, wearing school uniforms is no good for the development of students’ (8) p ______.

   On the whole, students have different ideas about wearing uniforms. It may help the student management, but not good for personality development.


1、   利用同义词、反义词记忆词汇: 利用英英释义记忆,培养英语语感。

1)       同义词funny --amusing  sad--mourn journey--trip tale―story huge--large  ready--prepare   hurt--injure   ancient--old….           

2) 反义词 drop--lift    sorrow--joy   enter--leave   rough--smooth

peculiar--common  young --aged    employ--hire


2、   动词短语:以考纲词汇表所列动词短语为主进行复习,这些短语是比较


1) News reports say peace talks between the two countries____ with no agreement reached.

A. have broken down   B. have broken out  C. have broken in D. have broken up

正确答案A。break down“中断,失败”,break out“爆发”,break in“打

断”,break up“打碎,拆散”。

2) If English is not our first language you can often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to ______.

A. think out     B. think about    C. think over    D. think for

正确答案为B。think out“想出,琢磨透”,think about“考虑,思索”,think over

“反复考虑,斟酌”,think for非固定搭配。

3) I was _____ in the middle of my call because I had no more pennies to put in the box.

A. broken in      B. cut off        C. hung up        D. cut down

   正确答案B,意思为“(打电话过程中电话被)切断”。break in “闯入”,hang up “挂断电话” 该词组不能用被动语态,cut down“减少、降低”。

4) Mrs. Smith _____ tears when she had heard her daughter had died in the road accident.

   A. broke in       B. broke up     C. broke through     D. broke into

   正确答案D, break into “突然……(起来) ”,例如:break into cheer“突然欢呼起来”, break into a run“突然跑起来”。broke in “闯入,打断”,broke up“解散,解体”,broke through“突破,突围”。

5) The American pianist who had been praised highly _____ to be a great disappointment.

   A. turned on     B. turned over    C. turned out     D. turned down

  正确答案C, turn out意思为“原来是,(结果)竟然是”。

6) When at the party, be sure not to _____ from the person who tries to encourage you in conversation.

   A. turn away    B. turn down     C. turn off       D. turn back

   正确答案A,该词组可以与起后from搭配表示“走开,离开”。turn down “拒绝,调小(音量)”, turn off “熄灭,关掉”, turn back “返回”。

7) The editor told me if I could _____ my story to 2,000 words, they would take it.

   A. cut short      B. cut off        C. cut down     D. cut out

   正确答案A,意思为“剪短,削短”。cut off“截止,中断供应”,cut down“减少”,cut on smoking“减少吸烟”。cut out“删除,划掉”。

8) Now that we have lost all the money, it’s no use _____ me and saying it’s all my fault.

A. talking on    B. coming on     C. counting on   D. turning on

正确答案D,意思为“对……发怒, 向……突然袭击”。The dog

turned on the boy and bit him in the leg.“那条狗向那个男孩扑去,在他的腿上咬了一口。” talk on “谈论 ”,come on“偶遇”,count on“依赖”。

9) The city government is going to take measures to ______ the price.

A. bring down   B. put down      C. turn down     D. settle down

正确答案A, 意思为“降低”; put down“记下,镇压,熄灭”,settle down“定居,安家”。

 10) Attendances at cinemas have _____ greatly since the invention of TV sets.

A. dropped in   B. dropped off    C. dropped out    D. dropped on

正确答案B, 意思为“跌落,减少”。drop in at (some place), drop in on sb“偶然拜访”。drop out “脱离,中途退出”。 例如:Smith dropped out of the team. 史密斯不参加那个队了。


break down  break up  break out  break in  call at  call out   call on  call for

come down  come up  come in  come out  come on  come across  come along

get along  get away  get back  get down  get in  get on  get off   get through  give back  give in  give out  give away  give up  go away  go by  go on  go out  go over  look after  look at  look for  look out  look forward to   make up   make out  make from  make in  make fun of  put away  put on  put up  put out  put down  take in  take out  take away  take on  take down  take up  take off  take place  turn into  turn off  turn on   turn to   turn down   turn up  turn out  turn over  set out  set up  set off   set free   work on  work out  carry on   carry out    hear from  hear of   join in   join up   pay for   pay off  pick up   pick out  point to   point out




词还有形式变化的规则与不规则之分。由于动词是支撑英语句子的基本结构的“栋梁词”,因此,英语基本功打得如何主要取决于对动词知识的掌握和运用的如何。尤其是动词结构的掌握,动词的结构是动词表义的途径,是支撑起动词表义网的“纲”。能驾驭动词的基本结构,就能支撑起语义表达的整体框架;例如把握了 prevent sb from doing 的结构,就能用其表达Parents are encouraged to prevent their children from spending too much time playing computer games.的意思了。动词复习要重视不同动词结构不同语义的把握,例如regret to, regret doing; risk doing; devote… to doing; fail to do; refuse to do; happen to do; succeed in; dream of; believe in; agree with; insist on; refer to; stand for; object to 等等。

accept, achieve, agree, allow,  argue, attempt, attend, attract, avoid, beg, beat, behave, benefit, blame, break, carry,  catch, cause, change, choose, compare, decide, delay, deliver, depend, design, destroy, devote, discuss, divide, doubt, encourage, expect, explain, express, fail, fetch, force, forget, form, gather, grow, hear, hurt, imagine, include, interview, lead, lie,  lift, mean, move, notice, obey, operate, permit, point, praise, promise, provide, prove, remain, raise, regard, regret, realize, seek, settle, share, spend, suffer, support, suppose, succeed, smell….




1、   初级词汇1200:初中所学词汇(教学大纲词汇表1)例如下面所列词汇

对考生来说比较容易,在认读方面应该没有问题。它们是保证及格的词汇;例如听力部分、语言知识运用部分这些词汇复现率高。但是,在复习的时候要特别注意它们的灵活运用,例如 share用做名词时其含义是什么?fit 与suit有什么区别?这些都是高考的失分点。

size   skin   share   salt   smell   soft   simple   silent   science  screen   suit ready   reach   reason  repair  raise  quiet   public   proud  price  problem  polite   pleasure   period   ocean  office   notice   nation   nature  model  museum  market   minute  machine  medicine  main  list   lecture  judge  interest   invite   imagine   hurt  hate  hobby   health   gather   foreign  fresh  favorite  fit  eager   during   correct ….

