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30.-     will you be away?

  -In a couple of weeks.

  A.What time       B.How soon          C.How often                D.How long


29.-Mum,could I have an MP3 like this?

  -Certainly, we can buy    one, but as good as this. The price of this kind is a little high.

  A.a cheap            B.a cheaper        C.a small                  D.a smaller


28.-Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?

  -Why    ?I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.

  A.me                  B.I                 C.him               D.her


27.-Don’t be late again, Mike.

  -     .

  A.No, I don’t             B.Don’t worry        C.Sorry, I won’t             D.a; the



26.This is     song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it    beautiful one?

  A.the; a                 B.the; the            C.a; a               D.a; the



21.A.The 2nd.                     B.The 4th.              C.The 5th.

22.A.Very far.                     B.Very near.             C.I kilometer from the sea.

23.A.$200.                       B.$400.                C.$600.

24.A.Breakfast.                    B.Lunch.               C.Supper.

25.A.Today.                      B.Not decided.           C.August 10.



16.A.Shirley                            B.Helen.                   C.Bill

17.A.At the desk.                        B.At the gate.               C.At home.

18.A.Talking to a customer.          ting money.        C.Working on the compuer.

19.A.At 10:30.                    B.At 5:00.               C.At 4:30.

20.A.3.                          B.6.                   C.7.



11.A.A nurse               B.A doctor.             C.A worker.

12.A.At a ciema.                   B.At a bus stop.         C.At a restaurant.

13.A.She didn’t like walking.   B.Her bike was broken.   C.It was far away from her home.

14.A.Football.               B.Basketball.             C.Ping-pong.

15.A.By bus.                B.By taxi.               C.On foot.



6.A.Yes, I will.              B.Thank you.              C.My pleasure.

7.A.She is beautiful.           B.How about you?         o meet you!

8.A.Yes, who are you?         B.No, she isn’t here.         C.Sure. Hold on, please.

9.A.I’m sorry to hear that.      B.That’s OK.              C.It doesn’t matter.

10.A.We’ll meet at 9:00.     B.What about the entrance hall?  C.How about Richard?





3.A.The baby stopped to cry.   

B.The baby stopped crying.

C.The baby liked crying.

4.A.I want to wash a T-shirt for myself.

  B.I want to put a T-shirt on the shelf.

  C.I want to buy a T-shirt for myself.

5.A.The black shoes are too small for me.

  B.The black shoes are too old for me.

  C.The black shoes are too expensive for me.

