0  132731  132739  132745  132749  132755  132757  132761  132767  132769  132775  132781  132785  132787  132791  132797  132799  132805  132809  132811  132815  132817  132821  132823  132825  132826  132827  132829  132830  132831  132833  132835  132839  132841  132845  132847  132851  132857  132859  132865  132869  132871  132875  132881  132887  132889  132895  132899  132901  132907  132911  132917  132925  447090 

28.The little boy _______as soon as it was dark.

  A.offered    B.brought   C.lent   D.took


27. Once upon a time we Chinese msde the tirst kite. People used kites to send _______to other places,because they didn't

have telephones, computers,or even radios.

  A.languages   B.newspapers   C.measages  D.magasines


26.--Must we collect the waste paper and bottles now?

--_________.You can do it after class.

A. Yes,you must     B.No,you needn't

 C. Yes,you may     D,No,you mustn't


25. All of them can take this job .but I Want to know who is_______.

  A. the most careful  B.more careful   C.careful   D.very careful


24.--______did yousee a cat run from behind the door?

  --As soon sa I entered the room.

  A. What   B.When   C.Where   D.Why


23.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said,"_____________We didn't see the Great Wall ,we felt excited when we passed over China."

  A. Because   B. If   C. Although   D. As


22. --What day is it today, Wednesdsy or Thursday?

  ---_______.It's Friday.


21.______Saturday morning, an earthquake killed 13 people ______Jiangxi Province.

  A. On;in  B.On;at    C. In;at   D.In;in



20. Pass me ____dictionary next to the radio, and I also need ______pen to write something.

  A. a; a   B. the;the   C. the;a   D. a;the

