0  132814  132822  132828  132832  132838  132840  132844  132850  132852  132858  132864  132868  132870  132874  132880  132882  132888  132892  132894  132898  132900  132904  132906  132908  132909  132910  132912  132913  132914  132916  132918  132922  132924  132928  132930  132934  132940  132942  132948  132952  132954  132958  132964  132970  132972  132978  132982  132984  132990  132994  133000  133008  447090 

38.一Would you go to see the flower show with me this after noon?

-Sorry, I’m too busy,I ____it twice.

A.see   B.saw   C.have seen   D.had seen.


37.-Oh,you have_____the maths examination again.

 -_____,I’ll work hard to pass it next time.

A.failed in,So I have   B.passed,So do I

  C.failed in,So have I   D.passed,So I do


36.-Do you know ______?

   They moved here soon after their son was born.

  A.when would the Greens move here

  B.when the Greens moved here

  C.the Greens would move here

  D.when the Gteens would move here


35.(课改) -Do you think our football team will win the match?

一Yes,we have better players.So I____them to win.

A.hope   B.ask  C.help  D.expect


35.(非课改)一How much does it--to fly from Beijing to Haikou one-way?

   -About 1 000 yuan.

  A.take   B.pay

  C.spend  D.cost


34.-Susan,why are you still here? They are a11 ready to start.

   -I'm sorry,but 1_____when to meet.

  A.don’t tell   B.didn’t tell

  C.haven't told  D.wasn’t told


33.-Listen! Helen____ in the next room.

-It_____ be Helen.She has gone to Ji’nan.

  A.sings,won't     B.is singing,mustn't

  C.is singing,can’t    D.sings,may


32.-Shall we go on working?

-All right,_____ I prefer to have a rest.

A.when      B.if

  C .because     D.though


31.-Don’t forget to______all the computers before you leave the computer room.

   一No,1 won’t

   A.turn on    B.turn off

   C.turn down   D.turn up


30.-Can I get you something to drink?

   -____ .I’m thirsty.

  A.Yes,please        B.No.thanks

  C.Here you are       D.You’re welcome

