0  132824  132832  132838  132842  132848  132850  132854  132860  132862  132868  132874  132878  132880  132884  132890  132892  132898  132902  132904  132908  132910  132914  132916  132918  132919  132920  132922  132923  132924  132926  132928  132932  132934  132938  132940  132944  132950  132952  132958  132962  132964  132968  132974  132980  132982  132988  132992  132994  133000  133004  133010  133018  447090 

38. This is a big class, and  _____of the students are girls.

A. two third                   B. second three   

C. two thirds                  D. two three


37. Will you please drive______? The train is leaving soon.

A. quick                     B. faster       

C. slowly                    D. more slowly


36. --I hear there will be a concert of Sun Yanzi. _____ will it start?

   --In two days.

   A. How soon   B. How long     C. How often       D. How far


35. --Let's go dancing tonight.

   --Sorry, I  _____. I have to go to a meeting.

   A. can't         B. mustn't       C. may not        D. needn't


34. Bob goes to the Children's Palace every day  _____ Sunday. Every Sunday he helps at the Old People's Home.

   A. on         B. in      C. during         D. except


33. We have bought two __ for the coming party.

A. box of apple                 B. boxes of apples  

C. box of apples               D. boxes of apple


32. --Whose English -Chinese dictionary is this?

   --It's  _____ . My parents got it for my sister and me.

   A. hers         B. ours        C. mine          D. theirs



31. Xiao Hua doesn't like music, but he likes  _____music of Mice Love Rice.

   A. /               B.a     C. the        D. an




11. When does the conversation take place?

A.              At breakfast time.    

B.              At lunch time.      

C. At supper time.

 12. What are they going to do?

   A. To drink a cup of milk.

   B. To cook at home.

   C. To have a meal at a restaurant.


13. What's wrong with the woman?

A.              She has a stomachache.   

B.              She has a toothache.   

C. She has a cough.

14. Where are the two speakers?

A.              In a chemistry shop.    

B.              At home.         

C. At a bus stop.


15. What does the man do?

A.              He is a teacher.      

B.              He is a singer.      

C. He is a doctor.

16. Who wants to see the man?

A.              The headteacher.     

B.              The teachers.       

C. The students.

17. Why is the man worried about going back to that school?

   A. Because he is not popular.

   B. Because he made a lot of trouble there when he was young.


18. Where is the girl from?

A.              America.         

B.              Australia.        

C. England.

19. Why does the girl come to China?

A.              To see her parents.    

B.              To go travelling.     

C. To find a job.

20. What will the girl do next year?

   A. She will work in China.

   B. She will work in Japan.

   C. She will stay in her own country.

C. 听短文,根据所听到的内容,选择正确的答案(敌方读三遍,每小题分,满分5)听第五对话,回答21、22、23、24、25

21. How long did Mr. Black work in a restaurant?

A.              For ten years.       

B.              For ten months.      

C. For ten days.

22. Once Mr. Black had to see a doctor because something was wrong with his

A.              cars           

B.              eyes           

C. nose

23. What did Mr. Black decide to do?

A.              To open a hotel.      

B.              To open a shop.     

C. To open a hospital.

24. Who came to knock at his door one evening?

A.              A stranger.         

B.              A woman.        

C. A doctor.

25. What happened to the man after he took Mr. Black's medicine?

A.              He got better.       

B.              He got well.       

C.              He became worse.


Name: Diana    Age:  26     Hair:  27     Tel. :  28 

Job: an  29  in Micro Works   Likes: going out,  30  , music and watching TV


A.    单句理解  听句子,从所给六幅图中选出与所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画(句子读两遍,每小题1分,满分5分)


第一节:听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳答案。

6. What's the time now?

  A. 3:30.           B. 4:30.           C. 5:30.

7. Whom does the woman want to speak to?

  A. Mr. Johnson.    B. Mr. Smith.         C. Mr. Brown.

8. Why can't the man go to the birthday party?

  A. Because he is iii.

  B. Because he is busy.

  C. Because he will go to Shanghai.

9. How will the weather be tomorrow?

  A. Rainy.           B. Sunny.             C. Cloudy.

10. What do we know about the new teacher?

A.           He often keeps silent.   

B.           He talks too much.    

C.           He has no chance to speak.

