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I have a very useful dictionary. It has a lot of words. It gives many meanings for  46   word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book  47   This morning,  48  I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked  49  first. The sentence had six words:" Draw a picture of your house" I know five words in this sentence, but I didn't understand one word. I  50   "draw". I opened my dictionary and  51   the first meaning of "draw". It was" pull". I said to myself" Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. "SO I wrote the meaning of the sentence" Pull a picture of your house. "I read it, and" What is the meaning of it.'? I don't understand it."

    My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked  52  my dictionary, and said to me.

    "Look, Jack. The second meaning of' draw' is' make a picture  53  a pen, a pencil  54 brush'. So the sentence means: Make a picture of your house." I understood ! I thought Dick was wonderful. And  55  I knew how to use my dictionary.

46. A. some          B. another      C. each       D. the other

47. A. quickly         B. quick         C. slow       D. slowly

48. A. how          B. who            C. what     D. when

49. A. difficult         B. hardly       C. easy          D. easily

50. A. don't know        B. didn't know      C. knew         D. know

51. A. looked for        B. discovered       C. found       D. invented

52. A. by           B. out          C. up      D. with

53. A. use          B. with            C. on        D. by

54. A. or a           B. and a       C. and       D. or

55. A. at last          B. at the beginning     C. at the end   D. at first


45. If he _____ , I  _____ swimming alone.

    A. doesn't come, will go          B. won't come, will go

    C. will come, won't go          D. is coming, don't go


44. __ Lily __ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

    A. Not only...but also           B. Neither...nor

    C. Both...and               D. Either..-or


43. I don't think  _____rain this afternoon.

A. it won't                        B. it's going to  

C. if it's going to                    D. whether it's to


42. Mr. White a lot of places of interest in China.

A. have gone to                     B. has gone to      

C. have been to                    D. has been to


41. --Would you mind  _____my pet dog while I'm away?

   --Sure, no problem.

A. take care of                      B. taking care    

C. to take care of                        D. taking care of


40. --Can you understand me?

   --Sorry, I can  _____understand what you have said.

   A. hardly      B. almost    C. nearly        D. easily


39. --I'm sorry I  _____my exercise book at home.

   --Don't forget _____ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forget, to take                    B. left, to bring   

C. forget, to bring                D. left, to take

