0  132862  132870  132876  132880  132886  132888  132892  132898  132900  132906  132912  132916  132918  132922  132928  132930  132936  132940  132942  132946  132948  132952  132954  132956  132957  132958  132960  132961  132962  132964  132966  132970  132972  132976  132978  132982  132988  132990  132996  133000  133002  133006  133012  133018  133020  133026  133030  133032  133038  133042  133048  133056  447090 

77. In China Teachers’ Day is on S      10th.


76. She b      two books from the school library yesterday.


(五)听短文回答问题,短文听两遍。 (   )26. What did Mike’s mother ask him to do while she was away?     A. To wait for her.     B. To watch the house.  C. To look after the door. (   )27. How many uncles did Mike have?     A. One.           B. Two.           C. We don’t know. (   )28. What time did Mike’s mother go to the river?     A. 1:15.           B. 2:15.                  C. 12:45. (   )29. When would Mike’s uncle come to see them?     A. In the evening.      B. In the morning.         C. In the afternoon. (   )30. What do you think Mike should do?     A. He should lock the door before he went to the river.     B. He should ask his uncle to tell his mother.     C. He should go to the river with the door.二、选择填空(共20小题,计20分)


 (   )31. We must pay attention      the environment. People must      dirty things everywhere.

      A. with, be stopped to throw     B. to, be stopped from throwing

      C. in, stop to throw         D. for, stop from throwing

32.(   ) He drives in heavy traffic every morning. He is tired of     a place to     .

     A. finding, to park his car      B. finding out, to park his car in

     C. looking, to park his car at    D. looking for, to park his car

33.(   ) What      funny stories have you ever read      The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

      A. the other, except for       B. other, besides

      C. any other, except          D. other, besides for

34.(   ) Your computer is very different     .

      A. to me  B. from mine      C. for mine   D. as me

35.(   ) -This jacket is too large for me, would you show me      one?


A. the others       B. the other  C. another   D. more

36.(   )      he is poor, he is always happy.

         A. Although  B. Because   C. So  D. When

37.(   ) -What’s the weather like tomorrow?

-The radio says it is going to be even     .

A. bad         B. worse    C. worst    D. badly

38.(   ) -I won’t go to the party tomorrow.

      you told me you would. What’s happening?

A. But       B. So      C. And         D. Or

39.(   ) We      you have an old treasure to show us. Please tell me where it is.

     A. tell that    B. tell what    C. were told that  D. were told what

40.(   ) After working in Shanghai for more than ten years, he returned to his hometown

 in     he was living as a child.

     A. that     B. where     C. which     D. when

41.(   ) -Could you tell me     ?

     -She came here on foot.

     A. where Kate came from       B. when Kate came here

     C. how Kate came here D. why Kate didn't come here

42.(   )-Hello! May I speak to Henry, please?

     -Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment.     .

    A. Can I take a message?     B. I will call you back.

    C. You have the wrong number  D. Hold on for a moment

43.(   ) He has gone to another city and he’ll be back      a week.

A. at        B. on      C. for         D. in

44.(   ) I’m sorry. I have kept you      for a long time.

A. wait       B. waited    C. waiting       D. to wait

45.(   ) -She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?  

-     , though she wasn’t feeling well.

A. No, she didn’t   B. No, she did   C. Yes, she didn’t  D. Yes, she did



11.(   ) What will the woman do?

A. Buy the sofa.  B. Buy some chairs.  C. Pay less for the sofa.

12.(   ) What do we know about the man?

A. He wants to have nice dinner. B. He went shopping with the woman.

C. He likes sandwiches very much.

13.(   ) What was the woman doing before she cut her foot?

A. Fishing on the sea. B. Picking up stones. C. Swimming in the sea.

14.(   ) Who are the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.

15.(   ) Who runs fastest?

A. Lucy.  B. Lily.  C. Kate.

16.(   ) Why isn’t the girl going to see the film?

A. She wants to see it next time. B. She has lots of work to do. C. She doesn’t like the film.

17.(   ) What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A skirt.  B. A shirt.  C. A coat. (四)对话理解:听两段长对话,回答18--25小题。 听第一段对话,回答第18-20小题。对话听两遍。 (   )18. When is Kate’s birthday?     A. Next Wednesday. B. Next Friday. C. This Wednesday. (   )19. What time will the party begin?     A. 9:15. B. 8:45. C. 8:15. (   )20. Where will Kate hold the party?     A. At home. B. In the garden. C. At the hotel

听第二段对话,回答第21-25小题。对话听两遍。 (   )21. What’s the date next Friday?     A. June 17th B. June27th C. July17th (   )22. What does Linda like doing?     A. Reading. B. Listening to popular songs. C. Both of A and B. (   )23. What will the man buy for Linda?     A. A book. B. A CD. C. A magazine about popular songs. (   )24. Why won’t the man buy a CD for Linda?     A. Because he doesn’t have enough money.     B. Because he doesn’t think it’s a good idea.     C. Because it’s not dear enough. (   )25. How old is Linda this year? A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.



5.(   ) A. You are welcome.     B. I’m glad to meet you.  C. Yes, please.

6.(   ) A. Thank you all the same.     B. I’ m beautiful.      C. No, thanks.

7.(   ) A. Yes, you will.         B. No, you don’t.  C. Good idea.

8.(   ) A. Nice to meet you.    B. Goodbye, Tom.      C. Me, too.

9.(   ) A. I never received his letter.     B. I received his letter yesterday.

C. I was very glad to receive his letter.

10.(   ) A. They are both doctors.       B. They are very happy.  

C. They are both fine, thank you.

