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31. ―Why didn’t you go to the party last night?

―Because I      .

A. wasn’t invited     B. didn’t invite      C. haven’t invited


30. Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We      stay in our classroom.

A. should        B. must         C. had to


29.“You can’t have them both, You can choose      the kite      the toy car,” said Mother.

A. either; or       B. both; and       C. not only; but also


28. Don’t worry. He’s got much food. You can share      .

A. Some of mine     B. some of yours     C. some of his


27.How many     are there in the international village?

A. Chinese        B. Russian       C. American



26.People like to see films on     TV instead of going to      cinema.

A. the; the        B. 不填; the       C. the; 不填


下面是CIAC航空公司(CIAC Airlines)的订票记录单。请根据所听内容,选择正确选项完成信息要点记录,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。本题听两遍。

Ticket Booking Information Sheet of CIAC Airlines
Passenger(s):     (21)            Flight Number(航班号):(22)     
Time & Date:    (23)             Destination(目的地):(24)     
Ticket price(each):  (25)      

21. A. Judy White        B. Tim White        C. Judy White & Tim White

22. A. CIAC 949        B. AVAV 949        C. CACI 494

23. A. 15:45,December 23rd    B. 3:45,December 22bd     C. 13:25,December 21st

24. A. Hong Kong        B. Toronto           C. Beijing

25. A. 14,000 Canadian dollars   B. 14,000 HK dollars      C. 7,000 HK dollars



16.The story happened on a       .

A. Sunday morning     B. Saturday afternoon    C. Saturday morning

17. The weather was       that day.

A. rainy and windy     B. cold and windy      C. rainy and hot

18. After he got off the taxi, he was travelling to the station       .

A. by taxi         B. by train          C. on foot

19. There was no more train that day because       .

A. there was a tree lying in the line    

B. the train hit a taxi    

C. there was something wrong with the train.

20. He was very       at last.

A. happy         B. unhappy          C. sleepy




6. What are Mike and Kate doing now?

A.They are talking on the phone.          

B.They are playing football

C.They are seeing a doctor.


7.What does the woman like best in winter?

A. Swimming.     B. Skating.       C. Sking.


8.How much does the woman hve to pay if she wants to buy both?

A. 100 dollars.     B. 150 dollars      C. 250 dollars


9.What is the medicine for?

A. Colds.        B. Headaches.     C. Coughs.


10.Where was the watch made?

A. In China.       B. In Japan.      C. Neither in China nor in Japan.


11.Who are the two speakers?

A. Mother and son.     B. Husband and wife.  C. Father and daughter.

12.What is kate interested in?

A. Art.          B. Sports.       C. Traveling.


13.Where does Jane come from?

A. England.        B. China.       C. France.

14.How long has Jane been in Beijing?

A. Two years.       B. Two weeks.    C. Two days.

15.What does Jane want to do?

A. To pay a visit to Beijing.    

B. To learn Chinese better.

C. To visit friends.



1. What does the man want to have?

2. Which way is Miss Green going to take?

3. What is the man going to do today?

4. How is the weather this morning?

5. Which picture shows how the man feels today?

