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27. The window ____ ten minutes ago, and the room is bright now.              

  A. can be cleaned         B. is cleaned

  C. was cleaned          D. will be cleaned


26. Every year many foreigners __________ to China to learn Chinese.                

  A. have come   B. comes    C. came     D. come


25. You have already tried your best, so you _________ worry about the matter.                A. can't    B. needn't    C. mustn't    D. couldn't


24. You'll do much better _________ you' re more careful with your spelling.                 A. if      B. before    C. although    D. unless


23. The teacher ____ his students to hand in their compositions before Friday.       

  A. said     B. told     C. had      D. kept


22. Lao She is the ____________of  Tea House(茶馆).                       

  A. doctor    B. actor    C. scientist    D. writer


I. 语言知识(共10小题,计10分)


21. ---Who will be ____ duty tomorrow?                           

  ---Susan will.

  A. at     B. on      C. for      D. in


I. 听句子,选答语(共5小题,计5分)


1.  A.  We'd love to.   B. It' s nice of you to say so.  C. Don' t say so.

2.  A.  Sorry.      B. That's right        C. It doesn't matter.

3.  A.  I don' t think so.  B. It's a pleasure.       C. Let me see.

4.  A.  See you later.   B. Excuse me.        C. Yes, please.

5.  A.  Good luck.    B. It's great.         C. I'll try it.

II. 听对话,选答案(共10小题,计10分)


6. A. Fruit        B. Vegetables.         C. Meat

7. A. About 3 kilometers.  B. About 4 kilometers. C. About 5 kilometers.

8. A. On Monday.     B. On Tuesday.    C. On Wednesday.

9. A. At home.      B. In a bookstore.   C. In a zoo.

10. A. He is well.     B. He isn' t well enough. C. He is still badly ill.

11. A. A singer.      B. A player.      C.A nurse.

12. A. Study for the test  B. Go to play table tennis. C. Go to visit her friends.

13. A. She needs a small house.

  B. She needs a beautiful house.

  C. She needs a big house.

14.  A.  His bike is broken on his way to school.

   B. The traffic is too heavy.

   C. He gets up late in the morning.

15.  A.  She drives her car.  B.  She takes a bus. C. She rides her bike.

III. 听短文,选答案(共5小题,计10分)


16. Dick ____ at the age of seven.                                 

  A. starts school

  B. goes to school by bus every day

  C  helps his mother cook in the kitchen

17. What was Dick' s mother doing that Saturday?                         

  A. She was helping Dick with his homework.

  B. She was watching TV in her room.

  C. She was doing some housework.

18. What did Mother ask Dick to do?                                 

  A To do his homework.  B. To wash some apples.  C. To call his father back.

19.  Dick took ____for himself.

  A. the smallest one    B. the biggest one    C. the nicest one

20. What do you think of Dick?

  A. He is a rude boy.   B. He is a careless boy.   C. He is a polite boy.


有很多同学早晨上学不吃早餐,这是一个不良习惯,对身体有很大的害处。请你就这种现象写一篇短文,指出不吃早餐的危害。(用词在50 字左右)

提示: (1)对身体有害。



