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    Two years ago,Martin was a “problem child” and he often

caused a lot of   31  .But he didn’t usually give his mother 

much trouble.However,after his father’s death,Martin’s life

 became much more   32  .His mother didn’t have enough money to  33  for his education.To do this.she had to work hard,and so she was not often   34  with him.

His mother looked after him as   35   as she could,but Martin still caused problems.

He was not interested in   36   and he was often in trouble with the police.Luckily.his mother

was very patient(有耐心的),and didn’t give up trying to help him.In the   37    ,she made

 a difficult decision;to send him to a boys’ boarding school(寄宿学校).But Martin   38   it 

very much.One day,he told his head teacher he wanted to leave the   39   .The head teacher 

said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his   40   .So Martin called his mother.To his 

surprise,this phone call changed his life.“   41   was really what I needed,”he said later.

“My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me.She also told me that my 

father was watching me,   42   he had died,and be would always be proud of everything

good I did.1 realized that after my father died,1 was   43    to be alone,and I tried to make 

my mother pay more attention(注意)to me.”

   Martin has really changed.And he is now a   44   student in his class. How was he able to change ?His mother’s love helped   45   to feel good about himself. As Martin say it’s very important for parents to be there for their children.

31.A.fire       B.trouble        C.water      D. wood

32.A.careful     B.beautiful       C.difficult     D.wonderful

33.A.pay       B.ask         C.took      D.wait

34.A.at home     B.at school       C.in trouble    D.in hospital

35.A.fast       B.well         C.soon      D.1ate

36.A.eating      B.playing       C.fighting     D.studying

37.A.end       B.team         C.front      D.1ine

38.A.had       B.liked        C.hated      D.took

39.A.room      B.1ibrary       C.street      D. school

40.A.mother      B.father       C.teacher      D.head teacher

41.A.I        B.It          C.He       D.One

42.A.if        B.than         C.though     D.whether

43.A.nice        B.glad         C.afraid      D.careful

44.A.bad        B.good        C.big       D. lazy

45.A.it         B.me          C.her       D.him


30. 一 Do you know ________?

  一 Yes.He came here for his sports shoes.

 A.why did he come here  B. when he came here

 C.why he came here    D.when did he come


29. 一 Shall I get you some drink?     一 ________.I’m not thirsty.

  A.Yes,please  B.Here you are

  C.You are welcome  D.No.thanks


28. 一 Mom.where’re my socks?

  一 They’re on the floor.Your must _________your things,Tom.

 A.put away  B.put on  C.put up   D.put down


27. 一 You look so________.  一 Yes.I’ve got a birthday present.

  A.sad   B.worried   C.tired    D.happy


26.一 May I play computer games,Mum?

   一 No.You ________wash your clothes first.

 A.would  B.can  C.must  D.will


25. 一 Hello! May I speak to Mr.Smith?     一 I’1l go and get him.

  A.Speaking       B.Hurry up,please

  C.Wrong number   D.Hold on,please


24. 一 I think I know the little boy in the old photo.

  一 It’s me.It ________10 years ago in Hangzhou.

 A.took  B.is taken   C.has taken   D.was taken


23. 一 The radio is too noisy, ________, please.   一 All  right.I’ll do it.

 A.Turn it off  B Turn it on  C.Open it  D.Close it


22. 一 Do you want to see the film “Harry Potter II”?

    一 The film “Harry Potter II”?I________ it.It’s really wonderful.

  A.see  B.have seen  C.was seeing   D.had seen

