0  132950  132958  132964  132968  132974  132976  132980  132986  132988  132994  133000  133004  133006  133010  133016  133018  133024  133028  133030  133034  133036  133040  133042  133044  133045  133046  133048  133049  133050  133052  133054  133058  133060  133064  133066  133070  133076  133078  133084  133088  133090  133094  133100  133106  133108  133114  133118  133120  133126  133130  133136  133144  447090 

33.  _____ you work, _____ knowledge you’ll get. 

A. The harder, more  B. The harder, the more  C. Harder, the more  D. Harder, more


32.  There is nobody in the room, _____?  A. isn’t it  B. isn’t there  C. is there  D. is it


31.  ---Don’t play football in the street.  ---_____. 

A. Sorry, I won’t       B. I’d like to     C. Yes, I do       D. That’s wrong


30.  ---It’s 10 o’clock now. I must go.  ---It’s raining outside. Don’t leave _____ it stops. 

A. when         B. since         C. while         D. until


29.  ---Look! It _____ be Jack on the playground. 

---It _____ be him. Because I saw him enter the school library just now. 

A. must, mustn’t      B. can, can’t      C. may, mustn’t    D. must, can’t


28.  ---May I _____ your dictionary?  ---Sorry, I _____ it at home. 

A. borrow, forgot      B. borrow, left     C. lend, forgot     D. lend, left


27.  I asked John for _____ ink, but he didn’t have _____. 

A. any, some         B. any, any       C. some, any      D. some, some


26.  The computer on the desk is _____. 

A. twins         B. the twin’s      C. the twins          D. the twins’


25.  ---How are you going to meet your aunt at the airport _____ Thursday morning? 

---I’m going there _____ my car. 

A. on, in         B. on, by         C. in, by         D. in, in


24.  This is the _____ time in _____ days that he has made the same mistake. 

A. second, third    B. two, three      C. two, third      D. second, three

