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(  )6.Who often takes the girl to movies?

   A.Her mother.   B.Her father.   C.Her uncle.

(  )7.When are they going to see the movie?

   A.This morning.   B.This afternoon.   C.This evening.

(  )8.How many people are going to the movie?

   A.Two.   B.There   C.Four.


(  )9.When does Joe want to get up today?

   A.At 7:40.   B.At 8:00.   C.At 8:20.

(  )10.What do you think Joe is?

   A.A teacher.   B.A student.   C.An engineer.


(  )11.What are Linda and Hank going to do tomorrow night?

   A.Go to a game.   B.Visit Lisa.   C.Finish a report.

(  )12.Why does Hank leave this message?

   A.Because he will be late to meet Linda.

   B.Because he won’t be able to go with Linda.

   C.Because he want to tell Linda some good news.


(  )13.What will they have for lunch?

   A.Chinese food.   B.Indian food.   C.American food .

(  )14.Why does the man want to go to the zoo?

   A.Because the animals there Can act.

   B.Because he likes to stay with animals.

   C.Because there are some special animals.

(  )15.Which of the following does the woman want to do instead of going to the zoo?

   A.Go shopping.   B.Try special food.  C.Visit the art museum.




(  )1Who’s wanted on the phone?

   A.Lucy.   B.Dave.   C.Jim.

(  )2.Where are they talking?

   A. At a restaurant.   B.In a shop.   C.At a party.

(  )3.What will the man drink?

   A.Tea.   B.Coffee.   C.Coke.

(  )4.How much will the man pay for one month?

   A.$30.   B.$90.   C.$120.

(  )5.When are they going to see David and Clare?

   A.At 9:00 in the morning.   B.At 5:00 in the afternoon.

   C.At 7:00 in the evening.


加入你所在的学校正在征集英语墙报稿件。 下面5幅图描述的事你昨天乘坐公共汽车去电影院途中经历的一件事。请你就以下5幅图写一篇短文,向学校墙报投稿。

注意: 1. 短文内容要包括文字提示中的必要内容和所有图画中的主要内容。

  2. 词数: 70左右。

  3. 生词提示: 向某人告别wave goodbye to somebody; 上(车)get on ..;下(车)get off…





two   noisy     grow     rain     be      peace
good   follow    art     someone   close     one

What's the real meaning of the word "peace" ? The  1   story may tell us something about it.

There was once a king who offered an award to an artist who could paint the  2   picture of peace. Many  3  tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.

One picture was a calm lake. The lake was a perfect thing for peace because of the high mountains around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white clouds.  4   who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains too.  But they were rugged (高低不平的). Above was the dark sky, from which heavy rain fell. A waterfall was rushing down the side of the mountain. This did not look  5  at all. But when the king looked  6  , he found behind the waterfall a very small bush  7  in the midst 在….中 ) of the waterfall and a mother bird sitting on her nest (鸟窝)  in perfect peace.

The king gave the award to the artist who painted the  8   picture. Why? "Because," explained the king, "peace does not mean  9  in a place where there is no  10  , no trouble

or hard work. Peace means in the midst of all those things, you're still calm in your heart. That's the real meaning of peace. "



A:How are you feeling now? George and I was quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterday.

B:Not too  1   yet.I still have a headache and my right  2   can  3  take a cup.

A:What about your legs?

B:Much better.I feel less  4  in my knees  5  I can’t walk.

  Just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in bed for two weeks.

A:That’s OK.But how did it  6  ?

B:Oh,yesterday morning I cleaned the windows.In order to  7  the work easier,I climbed over the window and stood  8   the windows.1 worked quickly,but suddenly I   9  down to the garden.When 1 woke up,I found myself lying in bed in the  10.

A:You’re lucky that you live on the second floor.



The teachers______ _______ with two solutions to________ ______ the difficulties in

computer programming.



The price of this kind of product _______ _______ its quality________ _______ its size.



  The two countries have many things________ _______and they are in ________that they

should support each other __________happens to them.

