0  132959  132967  132973  132977  132983  132985  132989  132995  132997  133003  133009  133013  133015  133019  133025  133027  133033  133037  133039  133043  133045  133049  133051  133053  133054  133055  133057  133058  133059  133061  133063  133067  133069  133073  133075  133079  133085  133087  133093  133097  133099  133103  133109  133115  133117  133123  133127  133129  133135  133139  133145  133153  447090 

31.-Come and join US.Jimmy!

        --I’m sorry, but I'm really busy now.If I ___time,1 would certainly go.

   A-will have   B.have had   C.had  D.have

   (   )32·I hear the 2006 World Cup is held in Germany________  June 9m____July 9th.

   A. on;and   B.from;to   C.between;on D.during:to


29.一Must I go and do it now?

      -NO,you__.We still have two more days.

       A.shouldn’t   B.Can’t   C.needn’t D.won,t

(   )30·Xiao Li is the fight person to show the foreigners around,for--of us can speak English.

   A. all   B.each   C.both   D.none   、


28.--I feel really    before the interview

       --Take it easy.Sure you are the best.

         A. patient   B.serious   C.nervous  D.cool


27.-Where’s Mr Yu.do you know?

       一Well.it's hard to say.But I saw him ______a football game just now.

        A. was watching   B.watching   C.had watched D.watched


26.I arrived at the airport     the plane had taken oft.

        A. after   B.while   C.when  D.before


25.一Do you know HongZhanhui?

      一Yes.He’s the college student    has moved Chinese people a lot.

       A. who   B.which   C.what  D.whom


24.-What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be ex.pensive.

       -No.they only     10 yuan.

       A. spent   B.took   C.paid  D.cost


23.-My pen is lost and I can’t find it anywhere.

       一S0 you will have to buy        .

      A. It   B.few   C.one D.any


22.1 wanted to explain,but he didn’t give me any     

       A. excuse   B.chance   C.way D.choice



21.一Be careful,     you will make mistakes in your exams.

      --I know that,Mum.One can never be too careful.

      A.and   B.or   C.nor D.but

