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25. -You’d better _______ your mobile phone during the play in the theatre.

   -Sorry. I won’t do it again.

   A. use      B. to use    C. not use    D. not to use


24. -Which country has a ________ population, China or India?


   A. many     B. more

   C. large       D. larger


23. -Will you be on duty this week or next week?


   A. Yes, I will      B. Of course not     C. I hope so     D. I’m not sure


22. -How was your holiday in Hainan?

   -Wonderful. I enjoyed _________ in the sea.

   A. dive   B. dived     C. diving    D. to dive


21. -Could you drive a little more quickly?

   -I’m afraid not. You know, it is dangerous to drive fast on such a _______ day.

   A. fine   B. snowy     C. cold   D. warm


20. The children in Britain hang their stockings ________ the end of their beds on Christmas Eve.

   A. by    B. at    C. to    D. in



19. Little Hans is old enough to dress _______.

   A. he    B. his    C. him    D. himself



  7. A. In a manager’s office.

   B. In a teacher’s office.

   C. In a doctor’s office.

  8. A. Because she works too hard.

   B. Because she has a family problem.

   C. Because she has a high fever.

  9. A. To take some medicine.

   B. To have holidays.

   C. To change her job.


  10. A. To read a magazine.

   B. To buy a magazine.

   C. To return a magazine.

  11. A. In an hour.

   B. In fifty minutes.

   C. In forty minutes.


  12. A. At 5:45

   B. At 7:45

   C. At 6:00

  13. A. To pay a visit.

   B. To study.

   C. To work.


生词:disturb v. 打扰

  14. A. One     B. Two    C. Three

  15. A. They must help the librarian with some work.

   B. They may pay the library for that.

   C. They won’t be allowed to borrow any more.

  16. A. Put it back in the right place.

   B. Keep it in good order.

   C. Return it in two weeks.


   生词:weight n. 重量

  17. A. She liked eating.

   B. She was over weight.

   C. She was rich.

  18. A. Because she was richer than any of her workmates.

   B. Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

   C. Because she was often laughed at.



  1. A. It is too fast.

   B. It doesn’t work.

   C. It is too slow.

  2. A. Tom.

   B. Kate.

   C. Both Kate and Tom.

  3. A. Some fish.

   B. Some rice.

   C. Some meat.

  4. A. It’s sunny.

   B. It’s windy.

   C. It’s rainy.

  5. A. Yes, she will.

   B. No, she doesn’t.

   C. No, she won’t.

  6. A. Everyone can work out the problem.

   B. Jim is good at maths.

   C. We’ve no idea.


(二)作文  (计15分,100字左右。)


1.money is not everything  2. shouldn’t compare with each other  3. study hard 

4. make money  5. happy life  6.  work for our country , make our country stronger. 7. for people and for ourselves  8. learn from Bill Gates. 






