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35. -Can I help you?

   -Yes. I can’t find my hotel. I have just been here ________ one day.

   A. for    B. since     C. in    D. after


34. The Olympic torch (火炬)will be _______ from one country to another.

   A. given to   B. kept on    C. brought to    D. passed on


33. My brother’s handwriting is ______ good _____ mine.

   A. too, to    B. so, that   C. as, as    D. so, as


32. Does anybody know what ________ at the meeting yesterday?

   A. he said    B. did he say    C. he says    D. does he say


31. -Why are Tom’s parents worried about him?

   -Because he _______ to Iraq (伊拉克)last week.

   A. sends     B. is sent    C. sent   D. was sent


30. -What can I do for you, madam?

   -I’d like something _______, please.

   A. drink     B. drinking   C. to drink   D. drank


29. -Look! How dirty the river is!

   -But it ________ clear before a factory was set up nearby.

   A. used to be    B. will be    C. has been   D. is


28. -Which pen do you like?

   -______ pen except the yellow one.

   A. Another    B. Any    C. Some   D. Other


27. It’s a fine day today. You ________ take the raincoat with you.

   A. mustn’t     B. shouldn’t    C. needn’t   D. can’t


26. -Hello, may I speak to Peter?

   -Sorry, he isn’t in at this moment. ________ a message?

   A. Can I leave      B. Can I take

   C. Can you bring     D. Can you get

