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  7. A. A teacher.

   B. A reporter.

   C. A shop assistant.

  8. A. During weekdays.

   B. At weekends.

   C. Twice a week.


  9. A. He hurt his foot.

   B. He had a pain in his leg.

   C. He had a car accident.

  10. A. It happened while Tom was playing basketball.

   B. It happened while Tom was playing football.

   C. It happened while Tom was driving.


  11. A. $30     B. $ 60   C. $ 90

  12. A. Monday morning.

   B. Right now.

   C. Sunday afternoon.


  13. A. Student name and student number.

   B. The number of class.

   C. Both A and B 

  14. A. On the wall.

   B. On the blackboard.

   C. On their students’ books.

  15. A. Half an hour.

   B. 90 minutes.

   C. 120 minutes.


  16. A. He was weak in his history.

   B. He did very well in his history.

   C. He was ready for the history exam.

  17. A. The coming exam.

   B. Jack’s notebook.

   C. Jack’s call.

  18. A. Jack knew Paul.

   B. Jack knew Paul very well.

   C. Jack wanted to help Paul with his history.



  1. A. He’s washing his clothes.

   B. He’s closing the window.

   C. He’s walking outside.

  2. A. He went to the zoo.

   B. He saw a film.

   C. He went shopping.

  3. A. At the shop.

   B. At the school.

   C. At the doctor’s.

  4. A. In the garden.

   B. At the tea house.

   C. In the room.

  5. A. He doesn’t know why they should make coffee.

   B. They need some more coffee.

   C. They shouldn’t make any more coffee.

  6. A. The post office wasn’t open.

   B. They didn’t receive any letter.

   C. He wasn’t able to pick up the letter.







Dear Yang Lei,

I got your letter just now.





Li Ming


根据下面所提供的对话,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子, 使其意思连贯,完整。

A: Look! There’s a dictionary on the ground.1._______________________?

B: Let me have a look. 2.___________________. It has her name on it.

A: Lily? Is she the girl who won the English speech contest?

B: Yes, it’s her. She is my best friend.

A: 3._________________________________ ?

B: By practicing conversations with friends.

A: But 4.____________________! She was afraid to speak in front of people.

B: Yes, but now she is outgoing. People sure change.

A: That’s right. By the way. The winter holiday is coming.5.___________________________?

B: I’d like to go somewhere warm. What about you?

A: I’m stressed out. I’d like to relax on a beach.

B: That sounds peaceful. 


10. Several countries has sent man-made satellite into the space, ___________(包括) China.


9. The trip to Hainan is very ___________(高兴的,愉快的).


8. We need some volunteers. Let’s put up some ___________(广告) in our school.


7. That boy who is walking ___________(朝着) me is my brother.


6. Headmaster Li ___________(宣布) that there would be an English party the next day.

