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4.The sweater f____ me very well。I'll buy it right now.


3.He hasn't seen his grandfather for a long time.He m_____ him very much.


2.The station was so c____ that Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.



1.When the car a _____ happened,1 was just  passing by.


   Wild animals can take care of themselves.But 41_ need special care.  You can 1earn much about animals  42_ taking care of a pet.Owning a pet is almost like  43_  a patient (病人).You must think about  44  your pet  needs.You have to give it food and water  and a safe home.You must teach your pet and love your pet.If you do all these things well.you will have a  45 pet.

   Some people like dogs best.They give them food and water and a  46 to sleep in.Dogs love to take walks.Most dogs can learn tricks,like fetching a ball or rolling over and  so on.

   Most children like cats best.They _47 playing with them.Cats like 48 _ very

 much,so they spend most time on sleep.Since people regard(看作)them as pets,they hardly have to look for anything 49  ,  50  some of them are scared of mice.

41.A.animals   B.pets    C.persons   D.plants

  42.A.by     B.with    C.in     D.on

  43.A.doing    B.making   C.having   D.playing

  44.A.when    B.where    C.what    D.why

  45.A.healthy   B.unhealthy  C.healthily D.health

  46.A.bed    B.sofa    C.desk    D.place

  47.A.want    B.enjoy    C.wish    D.mind

  48.A.meat    B.walking   C.look    D.sleeping

  49.A.eat     B.to eat   C.eating   D.ate

  50.A.and     B.but     C.so     D.even


40.一Which sign can you probably see in the library?

