0  133179  133187  133193  133197  133203  133205  133209  133215  133217  133223  133229  133233  133235  133239  133245  133247  133253  133257  133259  133263  133265  133269  133271  133273  133274  133275  133277  133278  133279  133281  133283  133287  133289  133293  133295  133299  133305  133307  133313  133317  133319  133323  133329  133335  133337  133343  133347  133349  133355  133359  133365  133373  447090 

27.It was the second time for China to send a manned (载人的)spaceship into the sky, but it was the    time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the space.

  A. first     B. second   C. third       D. last


26.Before 2003, there was no direct airline      Taiwan and the mainland.

  A. along    B. in    C. between    D. at


25.It is quite hot these days. And today is      day.

  A .hot     B. hotter  C. as hot as   D. the hottest


24.The boy was so attracted by the computer games that he forgot      _________else.

  A. anything  B. nothing   C. something  D. everything


23.--Mum, Mary bought a parrot yesterday, Could you please buy       __________for me?

  --Sure, But you must take good care of it.

  A. one   B. this   C. it    D. that


22. The cake       good. I can’t wait to eat it.

  A. feels     B. sounds      C. becomes    D. smells


第一节 单项选择(共15小题,计15分)


21.--Is that a      ?

 --Yes, There are kinds of beautiful shoes in it. Let’s go and have a look.

A. fruit shop  B. clothes store 

C. shoe store    D. book shop



16. Which floor are the two rooms on?

A. The 2nd.      B. The 4th.      C. The 5th.

17. How far is the hotel from the sea?

A. Very far.   B. Very near.  C. I kilometer from the sea.

18. How much does Peter have to pay for his rooms for a night?

A. $200.       B. $400.         C. $600.

19. Which meal doesn’t Peter have to pay for?

A. Breakfast.     B. Lunch.      C. Supper.

20. When can Peter arrive at this hotel?

A. Today.     B. Not decided.   C. August 10.



11. What is the woman’s name?

A. Shirley      B. Helen.      C. Bill

12. Where was she at 10:30 yesterday?

A. At the desk.    B. At the gate.   C. At home.

13. What was Mike doing then?

A. Talking to a customer.     B. Counting money.     

C. Working on the computer.

14. What time did the woman leave the bank?

A. At 10:30.     B. At 5:00.     C. At 4:30.

15. How many people were there in the bank?

A. 3.         B. 6.          C. 7.



6. What is Mary’s mother?

A. A nurse       B. A doctor.     C. A worker.

7. Where are they talking?

A. At a cinema.    B. At a bus stop.  C. At a restaurant.

8. Why did the woman go to work by bus yesterday?

A. She didn’t like walking.   B. Her bike was broken. 

C. It was far away from her home.

9. What sport does Alex like best?

A. Football.     B. Basketball.    C. Ping-pong.

10. How does the man go to the post office?

A. By bus.      B. By taxi.     C. On foot.

