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6.  ---Could I borrow your ruler?

---Yes, of course you _______ .

A. will   B. could   C. can    D. must


5.  ---Waiter?


---A cup of tea, please.

A. What?    B. Here you are.    C. Yes?    D. I’m coming.


4.  Now let’s begin our class. Boys, _______ all your toy cars.

   A. put away    B. put up    C. take away   D. take in


3.  ----Can I get you a cup of tea?

  A. That's very nice of you    B. With pleasure
  C. You can, please      D. Thank you for the tea


2.I know the man________ a black coat.

A.in   B.wear    C.puts on   D.with


1.There isn't ______tea now. Would you like _______ water?

A. any, some   B. some, any   C. some, some   D. any, any


( ) 1. A  Yes. I am going shopping.

B.  Yes. I am going to play computer games.

.  C.  No. I want to buy a T-shirt.

( ) 2. A. Her grandmother  B. Her grandson  C Her uncle

( ) 3. A. Because I want to enjoy the son and the sea.

B. I’m going to the seaside.

C .Yes. I like the sea.

( ) 4. A. Yes it’s rainy tomorrow.

B. Because it’s windy.

C. I hope so.

( )5. A. Don’t worry. I can help you.   B. Bad luck.

C.You’re a bad boy.

II. 根据你所听录音内容,选出意思相同的一句:

( )6. A They are testing now.

B They will test this week.

C They are going to have a test next week

( )7 .A What are you going to do on the West Hill.?

B How do you go to the West Hill ?

C Why not go to the West Hill?

( ) 8. A. Can I take a message for you ?

B. Would you like to give him a message?

C I want to give you a message.

( )9. A That is a small river.

B There is not any water in the river.

C I know the river with water in it.

( )10. A Sorry ,she isn’t here now.

 B I’m sorry, she is out of work now.

 C. Sorry, she is going out of the house.

III. 听问句,选择正确的答语。

( )11.A Because she is going to do some sightseeing.

 B Because she is going to see Chinese Culture.

 C Because she likes Chinese Culture.

( )12.A Because she likes staying in bed.

   B Because she wants to have a good sleep.

   C. Because he isn’t going to school.

( )13. A At this weekend.  B  This week.  C on Saturday morning.

( )14. A Because she is very busy.

 B Because she doesn’t like Yang Kun’s concert.

 C Because Han Hong isn’t going there.

( )15. A The twins B Jack Chou  C Jay Chou

IV. 听短文,选正确答案:

( )16. Where does Zhou Hong’s father work?

A.    In a shop  B.In a hospital  C At the theatre

( )17.Where does Zhou Hong’s mother have lunch?

    A. In the factory  B In the supermarket.  C On the farm

( )18 Who will cook lunch at home?

    A Zhou hong’s father  B Zhou Hong’s mother C Zhou HONG

( )19 When is the girl very busy?

    A Before the Spring Festival  B After the Spring Festival  C Before Christmas

( )20 Why is Zhou Hong happy?

    A She has a good time during the festival

    B She thinks it is good to help her parents.

    C Her mother often gives her some money.



五中需要一名英语教师,被招聘教师必须具备以下要求:a爱学生 b有三年以上教龄 c能和学生相处融洽d 喜欢讲笑话。请拨打876-5323向五中咨询更多信息。根椐以上内容拟一则40词 左右的招聘英语教师的广告。(5 分)  

Teacher  Wanted


构建一个“和谐社会”是很有必要的, 不仅有利于我们的生活, 而且对于国家的发展也很重要。在“我与和谐社会”的主题班会上,同学们积极发言,各抒己见。请你以主持人的身份写一篇80词 左右的总结性发言稿。(15分)


1.  构建“和谐社会”的重要性;

2.  为构建“和谐社会”我们应尽的职责(待人友善、相互帮助、助人为乐、遵规守纪、保护环境等);

3.  对“和谐社会”的展望。


necessary, a harmonious society(“和谐社会”), not only ﹍but also﹍, respect(尊重), in trouble, obey, environment, contribution



(Paul=P    Fred=F)

P: 1. ____________________________?

F: No, I don’t. But I have to cook this evening.

P: 2. _____________________________?

F: Because my mother is going out on business. I’ll have to cook myself.

P: 3. ______________________________?

F: My mother does. She can cook very well.

P: Can your father cook?

F: No, he can’t.

P: 4. __________________________?

F: I’ll cook Italian noodles.

P: 5. __________________________!

F: Thank you


16.-Hi, boys and girls. Did you enjoy y__________ at the party?



Henry liked drinking and     (spend) all his money on it. So he ________   (steal) some money from the shop. Mr. Hunt, the shopkeeper,_________    (tell) about it and sent him away. Everyone in the town     (know) about it and he got into trouble.

One morning Henry     (get)up at half past twelve. He tried     (find) something     (eat) , but he failed. When he     (walk) in the street, he hoped    ( try) his luck in the crowd. Suddenly, he saw a lot of people                  ___________(stand) at a corner of the building. He hurried there and found that an old man     (sell) teapots there. Henry found the old man always    (put) the money into a red teapot after he     (sell) one. Henry pretended to choose the teapots and was going to steal the red one. When the old man was busy ______ (receive)several women’s money, he took the red teapot away. But it had no bottom and the money     (drop) onto the ground. He stood there and didn’t know what      (do). “If you want a teapot, you’d better     (choose) an intact (完美无缺的) one!” the old man said with a smile.

