0  133238  133246  133252  133256  133262  133264  133268  133274  133276  133282  133288  133292  133294  133298  133304  133306  133312  133316  133318  133322  133324  133328  133330  133332  133333  133334  133336  133337  133338  133340  133342  133346  133348  133352  133354  133358  133364  133366  133372  133376  133378  133382  133388  133394  133396  133402  133406  133408  133414  133418  133424  133432  447090 

29.Some supermarkets open _______8:30 am and 8: 00pm______Midautumn Day

  A at;during  B between;during  C between;in   D about;in


28. Twelve_______ were hurt, but no _______were lost in that accident

  A person;life  B  person;lives  C  persons;lives  D  persons;life


27. Mary’s read the novel before and_______________

  A. so has Tina  B  so is Tina  C so was Tina  D so Tina was


26.Going on a trip into________ space must be quite _______exciting experience

  A. /;the    B. the;the   C. the;an    D. /;an



21.Music is an _______language

22. Every student likes ___________music in America

23. Students with cars buy __________to listen to music as they drive on the street

24. Pop music singers earn __________money by making CDs or tapes

25.All the young people want to meet a singer when he or she becomes a ______star


(四) 听一段对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。每小题1.5分。

16. A. Susan  Frank and Tony.

B. Frank. Tony and John.

C .Susan, Tony and John.

17. A. They did their homework.

B. They helped Mr. Smith to plant some trees.

C. They went swimming.

18. A. To have a swim.  B. To help Mr. Smith   C. To do homework.

19.A. No. she doesn't.   B. Yes, she does.     C. Yes, she said that she didn't.

20.A. He will play football with hint

B. He will help them plant the trees.

C He will give him money for his work



11 A. ¥ 120,000.000.     B. ¥ 60.1300,000.  C. ¥ 240.000,000.

12, A. On Floor 15.       B. On Floor 25.    C. On Floor 26.

13. A. For one and a hail hours.

B. For one hour and thirty-five minutes.

C. For two hours and five minutes.,

14.A. Five.     B. Eight.    C. Nine.

15.A. 4 yuan     B. 10 yuan    C. 14 yuan.



6. A. I’m very well, thanks.

B. They are both fine, thanks.

C. They are both teachers.

7. A. I prefer milk.     B. Yes. please.      C. Let me help you.

8. A. No. thank you.     B. One moment, please.   C. See you later.

9. A. that’s a good idea.    B. That's good enough.   C. I’ll go with you.

10.A. I'm sorry to help that  B. it doesn't matter.

C. Thank you for  your nice present.




3.答第I卷前,请将姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。每题选出答案后,都必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(A 、B 、C 、或D )涂黑,如需改动,必须用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其他答案。

