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39.The teacher asked the students________

A. if they were interested in dinosaurs

B. when was Albert Einstein born

C. what they will do with the computers 

D. how many trees they have planted


38.- Must 1 return the took this morning?

-No, you _____,But you _____to return it before nest Monday.

A. needn't; must     B. mustn’t; can

C. mustn’t; may     D. needn't; need


37.I have four cousins. One is a lawyer. _____is an artist. _____workers.

A. the other; the others      B. another: others

C. another, the others     D. the other; others


36. I can't say______ I want to go back to my hometown. It’s a long time site I went back last time.

A. how much      B. how long

C. how often        D. how soon 


35.Is that the museum     yesterday?

A. we visited  

B. the one we met Professor Wang

C. one we visited   

D. which we took pictures


34.- Is your dog afraid of me?

-A little. It’s not used to       

A. touching      B. touch

C. being touched     D. be touched


33. - What are you   

- Look! The kite   

A. looking at ; has been risen  

B. seeing.: has been risen

C. looking at; has risen    

D. seeing; hat risen


32. - Did the medicine make you feel better?


A. taking more medicine; I feel much worse

B. the more I take medicine; the more worse I feel

C. the more medicine 1 take; the worse 1 feel

D. if ! take more medicine; I fee much worse


31.-Do you regret paying five hundred yuan for the painting?

-No, I would gladly have paid __for it.

A. twice so much  

B. twice as much

C. as much twice  

D. so much twice


30.- Since I go to bed so late. don't____ during the night.

-OK. ______________________

A. wake me up; I won't 

B. wake up me; I wont

C. wake me up; I will  

D. wake up me; I will

