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3. -What’s the d       today?  -It’s April 26th.


2. -When is your b       ?  -It’s February 5th.


1. There are t       months in a year.


Hi, friends. I’m Sally. Do you want to know  46   my weekends? Well, let me  47   

you. On Saturday morning I usually get up  48   breakfast very late. After that I do my homework. I have  49   English homework and math homework. I don’t have  50   

homework. On Saturday afternoon, I help mom do housework or help dad with the garden. On Sunday morning I need to  51   very early  52   I go to see my grandparents in New York with mom and dad.  53   I can go to see scary movies with my grandpa and eat nice food. Sometimes I give my grandpa a haircut(理发).  54   the afternoon I have to come back  55   home because I can’t be late for school on Monday morning.

46.( ) A. for           B. on           C. about          D. around

47.( ) A. to tell         B. tell           C. telling          D. to telling

48.( ) A. and have      B. have          C. but have        D. eat

49.( ) A. do           B. doing         C. does           D. to do

50.( ) A. some         B. any          C. much          D. other

51.( ) A. go to bed      B. get to bed      C. get up          D. go home

52.( ) A. but          B. and          C. because        D. so

53.( ) A. There         B. Here          C. At home        D. At school

54.( ) A. At           B. In           C. On            D. With

55.( ) A. at            B. for           C. to             D. /


45.( ) Miss Zhao teaches     English. We all like     very much.

          A. we, her       B. we, she       C. us, her         D. us, she


44.( ) My grandfather like     and     very much.

          A. tomato, chicken               B. tomatos, chickens

          C. tomatoes, chicken              D. tomato, chickens


43.( ) -Do you know the    ?  -Yes, it’s 8778680.

          A. age          B. time          C. color          D. number


42.( ) -    musicians do you want     your rock band?  -Six.

          A. How much, for  B. How many, for  C. How about, for   D. How many, with


41.( ) Tom says he likes Chinese history. It is very    .

          A. boring and difficult             B. boring and interesting

          C. exciting and interesting           D. relaxing and boring

