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40.---I went scuba diving last Sunday.

     ---_______.I really enjoyed it.

     A.So do I      B.So I do      C.So did I      D.So I did


39.That young man is____________ to early the heavy box upstairs.

       A.enough strong  B.too strong   C.strong enough     D.so strong


38.I like animals,and I--every Sunday working in an animal hospital.

       A.pay         B.take         C.cost         D.spend


37.It was raining heavily.The teacher made the children____________ in the classroom.

   A.stay         B.to stay       C.staying       D.stayed


36.---I’m sorry.I made some mistakes in my homework.

       ---It doesn’t matter._________ makes mistakes.

       A.Somebody   B.None        C.Everybody    D.Nobody


35.When autumn comes,the leaves will turn yellow and________ the trees.

       A.turn of       B.fall off       C.put off       D.take off


34.---He thinks______________ of others than of himself.

       ---that’s, why everyone likes to make friends with him.

       A.little         B.much        C.less         D.more


33.---Do you have any plans for this weekend?

        ---I think I______ my little sister to the zoo.

       A.take         B.have taken   C.will take      D.took


32.---_______will you stay in America?

       ---About three months.

       A.How many   B.How much   C.How often    D.How long


31.---Would you like to go swimming with me?

       ---I’d love to.But I’m afraid I________.I have too much work to do.

   A.can’t        B.mustn’t      C.needn’t       D.wouldn’t

