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29.( ) Chen Hong was chewing gum    .

           A. anyway        B. all the time    C. all time        D. all the same


28.( ) Have you decided     after school?

           A. what do        B. do what      C. what to do     D. to do what


27.( ) I used to be afraid of the dark, so I went to sleep     the light    .

           A. with, off       B. with, on      C. for, on        D. for, off


26.( ) We were all     at the news that we won more than 160 gold medals in Doha Asian Games.

           A. angry          B. shy         C. afraid         D. excited



21.( ) A. They taught a fish seller some English.         B. They bought some fish.

           C. They taught a fish seller how to cut off the head of a fish.

22.( ) A. They wanted to buy some other things.

           B. They thought the fish here were too dear.

           C. It would take some time for the seller to clean the fish.

23.( ) A. One of her friends.                       B. Her husband. 

           C. One of her husband’s friends.

24.( ) A. Go on.             B. Cut the head off.      C. Go to the front.

25.( ) A. The woman asked him to do so.

           B. He doesn’t want to sell the heads to the woman.

           C. He didn’t understand the woman’s words.



16.( ) A. Because he wants to buy a radio.

           B. Because he wants to get a different radio.

           C. Because there is something wrong with his radio.

17.( ) A. Two days.          B. Two weeks.         C. Two months.

18.( ) A. Because he needs the money very much.

           B. Because the factory is too far away.

           C. Because he is using it to learn English.

19.( ) A. He hopes to change his radio for another one.

           B. He hopes to send it back to the factory.

           C. He hopes to have it repaired.

20.( ) A. The man gets his money back.               B. The man gets a new radio.

           C. The man has his radio repaired.



11.( ) A. It’s cloudy.          B. It’s rainy.           C. It’s sunny.

12.( ) A. On May 19th.        B. On May 21st.        C. On May 23rd.

13.( ) A. Because she is not old enough.

           B. Because she is not calm enough.

           C. Because she has to study for a test.

14.( ) A. In a school.         B. In a hospital.         C. In a factory.

15.( ) A. He was watching TV. 

           B. He was doing the housework.

           C. He was doing his maths homework.



6.( ) A. English is not so important as maths.

          B. English is as important as maths.

          C. Maths is the most important of all.

7.( ) A. I caught the last bus in time.                

          B. I was early enough to catch the last bus.

          C. When I got to the bus stop, the last bus had left.

8.( ) A. We had a party in the classroom.              B. We didn’t have a party.

          C. We had a party in the open air.

9.( ) A. I lost 50 yuan last Saturday.

          B. I spent 50 yuan on the dictionary.

          C. I bought 5 dictionaries in the shop.

10.( ) A. One of the answers in wrong.               B. Both answers are wrong.

          C. All the answers are right.



1.( ) A. I’d like.         B. Great.               C. Yes, I’d love to.

2.( ) A. Three years.      B. A year before.          C. Three years ago.

3.( ) A. Yes, please.       B. No, I’m not.          C. And you?

4.( ) A. You are welcome.  B. Sorry, I’m busy now.   C. That sounds like a good idea.

5.( ) A. Yes, it is.        B. No, they aren’t.        C. I agree with you.


   吸烟有害身体健康,这是我们都知道的道理,但是现在有不少中学生认为抽烟的样子很酷,偷偷地开始学着抽烟。请以“Smoking is bad for health”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,说明吸烟的危害,并呼吁中学生远离香烟。

参考词汇:lung肺,nicotine尼古丁,addicted to上瘾

